竹井 成美
研究紀要 (ISSN:02869756)
vol.19, pp.31-42, 1982-03-31

Boethius is one of the important theorists who transmitted the musical thought in Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages's. In the Chap. 2 of Vol.1 "Tres esse musicas; in quo de vi musicae (three classifications of music)" of his work「De institutione musica (theory of music)」, he classified music into musica mundana (harmony in the macrocosmos), musica humana (harmony in the microcosmos, i. e. man), and musica instrumentalis (practical music). Not only had this classification of music been quoted heavily by later (A. C. 9-15) theorists of music, but also it had had much effects on the musical thoughts until the time of Renaissance. But, it seems that these problems have been scarcely discussed in the musical fields of Japan. This study deals mainly with Boethius's classification of music in his work「De institutione musica」and takes its contents and its effects on later musical thought in research. Especially the modern musical thoughts are very complicated. Therefore, it is very valuable in the musical studies that we try to research into the Medieval musical thoughts by Boethius's classification of music, and it can be to lead to define the music from more theoretical and systematical point of views.


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こんな論文どうですか? アニキウス・マンリウス・セベリウス・ボエティウス(480ころ-524)とその「音楽論」(そのII) : ボエティウスの音楽の3つの分類を中心,1982 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004685949

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