北野 誠一 Seiichi Kitano
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.23, no.2, pp.p65-84, 1990-03

In U.S.A., citizens with disabilities who seek independent living get necessary services through CIL (the Center for Independent Living), which serves as their adovocate. These main necessary services consist of (i) Income Security, (ii) Attendent Service, (iii) Accesible Housing Service. In Japan, there are not yet services necessary for citizens with disabilities to live independently. But, (1) Social Action Groups who seek independent living, (2) Group Homes where persons with disabilities manege by themselves, and (3) Sheltered Workshops where persons with disabilities manege by themselves, are now stimulating many members with disabilities to seek independent living. Therefore, soon Japanese persons with disabilities will need something like a CIL. Generally speaking, CIL has 10 programs as follows; 1. Peer Counseling 2. Independent Living Skill Training 3. Adovocacy (System Adovocacy and Personal Adovocacy) 4. Attendant Referral and Counseling 5. Accesible Housing Referral and Counseling 6. Educational program for Community Members 7. Referral of Reading and Guiding Helpers 8. Referral of Sign language Interpreters 9. Equipment Referral and Counseling 10. Dial-A-Ride Vihicles Services In my views, the essential programs of CIL belong to the first three catagories, the others are not always nesessary. The Goverment ought to offer funds to the CILs where these three essential programs function. In the future, Japanese CILs should work toward the enactment of a Japanese version of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Act.


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