李 建哲 谷川 恭雄 森 博嗣 黒川 善幸 三島 直生
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.70, no.588, pp.7-12, 2005

In this study, the rheological properties of fresh mortar and concrete were investigated experimentally by shear box test. The pore water pressure in fresh mortar and concrete was measured as an influence factor of rheological properties of fresh concrete. The cohesion and the coefficient of dynamic internal friction were represented from pore water pressure and shear stress measured in the experiment. As the result, it was clarified that the rheological properties is affected by the pore water pressure in fresh mortar and concrete. Moreover, the correcting method of shear stress in case of shear box test was obtained, and the cohesion and the coefficient of dynamic internal friction were quantified.


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