水谷 営三
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.8, pp.323-351, 1993-03-31

The extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraq both against Iranian soldiers and its own Kurdish population was one of the most hideous aspects of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). Based on American and Japanese newspaper reporting, this study includes a detailed chronology of dates and places of the use of the chemical weapons by Iraq in the war. This is the first of its kind in Japanese. It is hoped that the chronology will serve as source material for further study of the Iran-Iraq War. It is also the strong wish of this author that the study will contribute, however tangentially, to the abolition of chemical weapons by highlighting their inhumane nature.


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こんな論文どうですか? イラン-イラク戦争における化学兵器使用の実態(水谷 営三),1993 https://t.co/QDu5y4ZreR The extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraq both ag…
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こんな論文どうですか? イラン-イラク戦争における化学兵器使用の実態(水谷 営三),1993 https://t.co/MhJAJS7XE2 The extensive use of…

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