寺本 めぐ美
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.35, no.2, pp.71-100, 2020-01-15 (Released:2021-03-31)

This paper primarily focuses on second-generation Kurds who are active members or leaders of Federatie Koerden in Nederland (“Federation of Kurdish Associations in the Netherlands,” hereafter “FED-KOM”) and related organizations. FED-KOM has sympathized with the policies of the Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (“Kurdistan Workers’ Party,” hereafter “PKK”). This paper considers how Kurdish nationalism is developing in the Netherlands in the midst of the changing context of the second generation in comparison to the first generation and the reasons second-generation Kurds sympathize with Kurdish nationalism. Kurdish nationalism as propounded by second-generation Kurds is diverse. With no option of “returning” to Turkey and with the desire to succeed in the Netherlands, the daily lives of the second generation are not directly influenced by the political issue of the independence of the Kurdish region. Consequently, while understanding the policies of the PKK, each person in the second generation freely interprets their own expression of Kurdish nationalism. Another factor that influences the sympathy of second-generation Kurds toward Kurdish nationalism is individual experiences in terms of relationships with the Turks in the Netherlands that reflect the discrimination, oppression, and political developments in their country of origin.
山中 由里子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.8, pp.55-87, 1993-03-31

澤口 右樹
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.35, no.2, pp.33-70, 2020-01-15 (Released:2021-03-31)

This study analyzes the relationship between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and women. Institutional gender equality is being achieved in the IDF because of a universal conscription system, social networks developed by military personnel, and the cultural function of the IDF. The context of sexual minorities in contemporary Israel also influences the IDF’s gender structure. At the same time, the IDF maintains a male-dominated gender structure because of occupational limitations within the military, obstacles to obtaining civil leadership roles following military service, and gender-cultural beliefs. The IDF also faces unique complications, including the political context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the influence of Jewish Orthodoxy. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict encourages the IDF to represent female soldiers as symbols of gender equality in order to obtain international legitimacy. Israel’s occupation policy of West Bank and Gaza Strip also undermines women’s status because the IDF sees male combatants as ideal soldiers. Stemming from Judaism, religious groups have caused the IDF to establish gender segregation. Finally, Judaism sometimes encourages women to join the military based on nationalistic motivations. This gender structure influences women’s gender norms. Through survey interviews with women who served in the IDF, military service was found to function as an opportunity for women’s empowerment. This study found differences in women’s sense of empowerment depending on their social class and occupation in the military. However, this article also points out that this empowerment was restricted by the military’s gender-dichotomous norms, in which “strength” is seen as masculine and “weakness” is viewed as feminine. These norms were reproduced in the women’s assumptions about members of sexual minorites. To conclude, the achievement of institutional gender equality in the IDF strengthens and reproduces existing gender norms in contemporary Israel.
中田 考
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.5, pp.281-308, 1990-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

The Sunnite jurisprudence defines the rbellion as "revolt against the ruler by force according to their ta'wil." Jurists come to this notion through their understanding of the wars following the death of the Prophet. Ibn Taimiya says that they confound wars of three different categories, i.e., Abu Bakr's wars against the Apostates, the Civil wars, and 'Ali's wars against the Kharijite, and consequently they consider all of them revolts against the ruler, and that subjugating them is obligatory, if they persist. Ibn Taimiya criticizes this conception, and says that the apostates and Kharijite must be subjugated, but as to civil wars, withdrawal from them is better. According to Ibn Taimiya, jurists' idea of "rebellion" stems from this confusion, and it is supposed to be treated as a civil war from which muslims had better abstain. Ibn Taimiya does not only criticize jurists, but also presents his alternative, which is "deviation from the shari'a," namely, muslims must fight not "rebels against a certain ruler," but "factions deviating from the shari'a."
水谷 営三
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.8, pp.323-351, 1993-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

The extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraq both against Iranian soldiers and its own Kurdish population was one of the most hideous aspects of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). Based on American and Japanese newspaper reporting, this study includes a detailed chronology of dates and places of the use of the chemical weapons by Iraq in the war. This is the first of its kind in Japanese. It is hoped that the chronology will serve as source material for further study of the Iran-Iraq War. It is also the strong wish of this author that the study will contribute, however tangentially, to the abolition of chemical weapons by highlighting their inhumane nature.
保井 啓志
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.38, no.1, pp.61-93, 2022-08-31 (Released:2023-09-10)

This article explores the historical background of this and other related occurrences and examines how animality and animal figures have been represented in Zionism. In antisemitic Europe, Jewish people were represented as such “subhuman animals” as ugly pigs, cunning snakes or filthy vermin. Max Nordau recognized that Jews in the modern world were viewed as morally degenerate, savage animal and advocated Zionism as a means of combating, eliminating and transcending these toxic, negative, antisemitic stereotypes. During and after Sho’ah, Jewish people were compared to “sheep” cementing a motif of weakness and passive sacrifice, typified by the phrase, “Like sheep to the slaughter.” Since the creation of an Israeli state, this Jewish “passivity” during Sho’ah and the necessity of never again allowing Jewish people to be so weak and docile has become a recurring motif frequently mobilized when Zionists want to emphasize the necessity of forging a strong nation of robust Zionist subjects. In Zionism, animality is assigned such abject features as “moral degeneration,” “dependency” or “weakness,” traits having no place in Jewishness given that, Zionism is a rehabilitative discourse in which the affirmation of humanity is achieved through the negation of animality.
松山 洋平
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.29, no.1, pp.145-159, 2013-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

The recent few decades have seen a growing number of studies on Māturīdism. At the same time, revision and publication of writings of Māturīdītes are proceeding apace. This study reconsiders past and present studies regarding Māturīdism and measures their scope and possible applications. Māturīdism can be helpful in four categories of applied research. First, Māturīdism should be reconsidered as a representative of the rationalistic tide in Sunnī theology. Therefore, it could lead to the societal cultivation of common ethics that can be shared with non-Muslims who do not accept the same revelatory values that Muslims do. Second, studies in Māturīdism may be applied to examine the internal and theoretical correlations between a legal madhhab and theological school, because Māturīdism is strongly connected to the Ḥanafī school of law. Third, studies on Māturīdism would be useful for reconsideration of the expansion process of Islam and development of thoughts in respective areas. Finally, Māturīdism may be an undeniable factor in contemporary activities and issues, e.g., in da‘wah activities in non-Muslim countries, and in the theological disputes between Salafism and traditional Sunnī regime, i.e., Ash‘arī-Māturīdism. Studies of Māturīdism may enrich the research perspectives of Islamic thought and Sunnī speculative theology, adding a new element to the ongoing discussion of contemporary issues.
三沢 伸生 Akcadag Goknur
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.23, pp.85-109, 2007-07-31

保井 啓志
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.34, no.2, pp.35-70, 2019-01-15 (Released:2020-04-01)

This article examines how Israeli publicity for LGBT friendliness works effectively in the international arena from the perspective of gender and sexuality studies. This publicity, which is also criticized as “pinkwashing,” is to be regarded within homonationalism by Jasbir Puar. This term succinctly describes that political attempts practiced by some countries to advocate protections for the human rights of sexual minorities are related to Islamophobia. The publicity by Israeli government should be regarded not only as a result of the practical politics in which certain nations use their attitudes toward sexual minorities as a strategy for the images of their nations, but also as a result of the politics of representation. By analyzing some cases of the publicity, it is concluded that although the perspective of homonationalism describes the Israeli publicity, there is a characteristic in Israeli publicities. It is the twisted use of “liberal” in Israeli publicity, which enables to pull the image of homophobia in Islamic countries out from the readers and to posit its own country distinctive from other Islamic countries as well. This twisted use of “liberal” is one of the results of not only homonationalistic actual politics but also the representative politics.
粕谷 元
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.9, pp.93-116, 1994-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

In this paper I have tried to analyze the arguments on the Caliphate in Turkey, during the period from the separation of the Caliphate from the Sultanate and the abolition of the latter (Nov.1, 1922) to the abolition of the Caliphate (Mar.3, 1924), and trace how layiklik developed in the Caliphal arguments. In chapter I, I have examined the idea of the so-called "spiritual" Caliphate put forth by the Birinci Grup (First Group), or the Kemalists after the abolition of the Sultanate, saying that a new Caliph, Abdulmecid should not enjoy any political power in the Turkish state and should stay as a purely spiritual dignity in the Sunni world. And I have disclosed the following points: that the idea of the "spiritual" Caliphate was a kind of laicism and a romantic (non-political) pan-Islamism, and the controversy over the "spiritual" Caliphate between the Birinci Grup and the Ikinci Grup (Second Group), or the anti-Kemalists, has become a cover for the power struggle between them. In Chapter II, I have investigated the Caliphal controversy which took place in 1923 between the supporters of Hilafet-i Islamiye ve Buyuk Millet Meclisi (The Islamic Caliphate and the Grand National Assembly), who disagreed with the idea of the "spiritual" Caliphate, and those of Hilafet ve Milli Hakimiyet (The Caliphate and National Sovereignty), who supported the idea of the "spiritual" Caliphate. I also examined Mustafa Kemal's speeches made during his political campaign in early 1923 and clarified that Kemal had expressed some views that ran contrary to the idea of the "spiritual" Caliphate-views which indirectly implied the future abolition of the Caliphate. Chapter III surveys the political situation surrounding the Caliphate during the period from Apr. 1923 to just before the abolition of the Caliphate. I have found that the combination of the Hiyanet-i Vatan Kanunu (High Treason Law) and the Istiklal Mahkemeleri (Independence Tribunals) served to make any free controversy over the Caliphate impossible. In Chapter IV, I analyzed the arguments on the abolition of the Caliphate made in the Grand National Assembly from Feb. 25,1924 to Mar. 3,1924. The ground for the arguments that justified the abolition of the Caliphate was mainly based on the idea of the Islamic state and was contradictory to the idea of the "spiritual" Caliphate. In conclusion, I have pointed out that laicism and the idea of the Islamic state had existed side by side in the arguments on the Caliphate, and that layiklik still remained immature as a systematic thought in this period.
中野 さやか
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.28, no.1, pp.59-98, 2012-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

In this article, I will focus on 97 singers whose biographies are recorded in Kitāb al-Aghānī, written by Abū al-Faraj al-Iṣfahānī. The aim is to analyze the parent-child and teacher-student relationships between the singers and the way in which the singers were connected with the courts of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. In the first chapter, I will analyze the 97 singers appearing in the book according to the periods during which they lived and the social status they had, with reference to a list of the singers. Subsequently, I will attempt to identify a large faction of professional singers existing among the 97 singers. In the second chapter, I will analyze how this large group of singers was connected with the courts of the Umayyad dynasty and the Abbasid dynasty. Through this analysis, I would like to make clear the social role the singers took on and also the cultural continuity between the Umayyad court and the Abbasid court. In the third chapter, I will focus on 100 Songs, that were selected from those sung in the Abbasid court. Those songs were applied by the author, Abū al-Faraj al-Iṣfahānī, as the first criteria in selecting songs for Kitāb al-Aghānī. Here, it should be noted that 100 Songs includes lyrics written by singers whose individual biographies and anecdotes are not recorded in the book. A comparison between such “anonymous” singers and the large faction of major singers whose information is recorded in the book in detail will reveal the way in which people from the ninth century through the tenth century adopted and rejected information concerning the court.
沼田 彩誉子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.28, pp.127-144, 2013-01-05

戦前・戦中期において、日本および日本占領下にあった満州・朝鮮半島に居住していたタタール人の多くは、戦後アメリカやトルコへと渡った。両国では2012年現在も、彼らや彼らの家族が暮らしている。本稿では、こうした極東出身のタタール人のうち、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア(以下ベイエリア)へ移住した在米タタール人に焦点をあてる。聞き取り調査を中心に、戦前・戦中期日本での生活、戦後の極東地域からの移住、およびベイエリアにおける現況をまとめる。従前「在日タタール人」と呼称される彼らは、戦前・戦中期における日本の「回教政策」と深く関わる存在である。一例をあげれば、早稲田大学に保管される大日本回教協会寄託資料には、彼らに関する文書・写真資料が所蔵されている。しかしながら「在日タタール人」の多くが戦後、極東地域から移住したために、彼らの存在、あるいは彼らの所有する資料は、日本では長らく忘却されてきた。アメリカやトルコに暮らす極東出身のタタール人や彼らの家族への聞き取りにより、既存文書・写真の特定や新規資料発見が大いに期待される。関係者の逝去・高齢化が進むなか、戦前・戦中期に関わる聞き取りおよび写真や書簡など私文書の調査は、喫緊の課題である。このとき、戦前・戦中期における「回教政策」が独善的なものであった事実を忘れてはならない。そのため、先行研究の多くは、「在日タタール人」を「回教政策」の対象や道具として扱ってきた。しかしながら、戦前・戦中期の日本とイスラーム関係の新たな理解を目指すとき、当時の「在日タタール人」と日本との関係が必ずしも良好だったわけではないにしても、彼らの視点から改めて日本の「回教政策」を評価することが求められる。そのためには第一に、現在の状況を正しく把握・理解し、インフォーマントとの関係を慎重に構築することが不可欠である。本稿は、彼らの移住経験に着目しつつ、聞き取り・資料調査を通じてその歴史を見直す作業への、第一歩として位置づけられる。本稿で扱うデータは、2012年4月25日から5月7日にかけて筆者が行ったベイエリアでの調査に基づくものである。日本での生活や移住の経験、ベイエリアにおける在米タタール人の状況について、合計9名の関係者への聞き取りを中心とする、フィールドワークを行った。日本では、東京、名古屋、神戸、熊本がタタール人の主な居住地となり、組織や学校、モスク、印刷所などが設立された。タタール人の流入が始まった1920年代当初、クルバンガリーがコミュニティ形成のイニシアチブをとった。しかし1933年にイスハキーが来日すると多くのタタール人は彼のもとに集まり、東京ではクルバンガリー派とイスハキー派の対立が起こるようになった。イスハキー、クルバンガリーがともに離日した後は、イブラヒムがコミュニティの指導者とされた。日本の戦局悪化に伴い、タタール人の多くは軽井沢や有馬温泉へと疎開を強制された。モスクや学校が空襲の被害を免れたため、タタール語による教育やタタール人の集まりは戦後も継続された。しかし1953年のトルコ国籍付与に伴い、彼らの大部分はトルコやアメリカへと渡っていった。極東からベイエリアへの最初の移住は、1923年までさかのぼることができる。日本で羅紗の行商を行っていたタタール人の一部が、関東大震災で被災し、渡米したのである。しかし、戦前のアメリカ移住は少数で、移民の数が増加したのは、戦後であった。終戦後のアメリカへの移住は、大きく2つのパターンにわけることができる。すなわち、極東からアメリカへ直接移住した場合と、トルコでの生活を経て、アメリカへと移住した場合である。いずれの場合も、終戦後に始まった極東からの出移民は、1950年代から60年代に集中している。1917年のロシア革命を機とする避難民を第一世代とするなら、第二世代、すなわち日本、満州、朝鮮半島を出生地とする彼らの子どもたちが、親や兄弟、結婚相手とともに、あるいは単身でトルコやアメリカへと移住した。2012年現在、ベイエリアでは、移住経験を持つ60〜80歳代の第二世代、第三世代にあたる米生まれの30〜50歳代の子どもたち、第四世代にあたる20歳代以下の孫たちが暮らしている。ベイエリアでは1960年に、在米タタール人の組織として「アメリカン・トルコ・タタール・アソシエーション」(American Turko Tatar Association。以下ATTAと略)が設立された。2012年5月現在、ATTA全体では会費納入者、シニア、子どもを合計して263名の極東出身の在米タタール人とその家族がおり、このうち187名がベイエリアに居住している。ATTAを設立し、集まりの場ではタタール語での会話がなされていた第二世代に比べると、第三世代のタタール語習得率やタタールへの関心、集まりへの参加率には、差がみられる。第二世代の高齢化による世代交代が進む今、タタールの言語や文化の保持は重要な課題となっている。カリフォルニア州コルマのサイプレス・ローン記念公園には、ATTAが購入、管理する4か所のムスリム墓地がある。合計302の墓のうち、160は埋葬済み、142はすでに購入され、使用者が決まった状態である。1962年に亡くなった人物が、この墓地へ最初に埋葬された。在米タタール人に関する今後の課題は次の2点に集約される。(1)第二世代へのさらなる聞き取り調査、(2)個々人が所蔵する写真、書簡などの私文書資料の探索とそれら資料に関する情報の収集である。
中田 考
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.5, pp.281-308, 1990-03-31

The Sunnite jurisprudence defines the rbellion as "revolt against the ruler by force according to their ta'wil." Jurists come to this notion through their understanding of the wars following the death of the Prophet. Ibn Taimiya says that they confound wars of three different categories, i.e., Abu Bakr's wars against the Apostates, the Civil wars, and 'Ali's wars against the Kharijite, and consequently they consider all of them revolts against the ruler, and that subjugating them is obligatory, if they persist. Ibn Taimiya criticizes this conception, and says that the apostates and Kharijite must be subjugated, but as to civil wars, withdrawal from them is better. According to Ibn Taimiya, jurists' idea of "rebellion" stems from this confusion, and it is supposed to be treated as a civil war from which muslims had better abstain. Ibn Taimiya does not only criticize jurists, but also presents his alternative, which is "deviation from the shari'a," namely, muslims must fight not "rebels against a certain ruler," but "factions deviating from the shari'a."
田中 雅人
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.38, no.1, pp.31-60, 2022-08-31 (Released:2023-09-10)

This article examines the rise of Muṣṭafā Arslān (1848/49–1914) and his family in late nineteenth-century Ottoman Mount Lebanon. While scholars have substantiated the overall integration of the Arab provincial leaders into the late Ottoman bureaucracy, they have often emphasized the initiative of the reforming state, and neglected the changing nature of these local elites in their community during this period. The present analysis traces the Arslān family’s meteoric rise from their status as a noble but uninfluential local family to holding a dominant position in the politics of Mount Lebanon. Unlike the tax-farming local gentry of the previous era, such as the Junblāṭs, they secured their power by actively cooperating with the central government and pursuing their career in the bureaucracy. Moreover, they could extend their influence outside their locality through the network of the Ottoman administration, as manifested in the Arslāns’ greater control over the Druze community of the Ḥawrān district. Their political ascension reached its zenith in the wake of the Young Turk Revolution of 1908. However, as these new political elites were raised by the bureaucracy, the chief members of the family, most notably Shakīb Arslān (1869–1946), increasingly acted as agencies of the central state, and were often in conflict with the local forces in Mount Lebanon.
大川 真由子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.36, no.2, pp.105-131, 2021-03-15 (Released:2022-03-31)

The aim of this paper is to clarify some Islamic issues that have been raised with regard to halal cosmetics. Additionally, the meaning of “halal” as it pertains to halal cosmetics is highlighted. Halal products must now be recognized as indicators of cleanliness, safety, purity, and quality, and, in particular, elegance and high class, especially in the case of halal cosmetics. There are two characteristics to consider in the consumption of halal cosmetics. Muslims’ purchasing behavior of halal cosmetics shows their piety as well as ethics related to consideration for sustainable systems and practices. In addition, it shows their class and who can afford comparatively expensive commodities. According to the investigation into the example of breathable halal nail polish, I conclude that there are three points in halalness that are represented in halal cosmetics. First, halal cosmetics do not signify religious visibility because they are also targeted at ethical non-Muslim consumers. Second, the use of halal cosmetics always accompanies the lawfulness of wearing make-up because the type of makeup worn is an Islamic concern involving women’s modesty. Third, some halal certified products, such as nail polish, do not affirm Islamic practices. Thus, the halalness of halal cosmetics depends on “how much,” “to whom,” and “how” the products are consumed. Halal cosmetics allow Muslim women to enhance their beauty while observing the Islamic practices that they follow. Thus, Muslim identity is reconstructed through commodities and consumption practices.
小澤 一郎
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.32, no.1, pp.119-148, 2016-07-15 (Released:2018-06-01)

In this article, the author studies the arming of the Ottoman-Iranian Borderland after the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-78), as an attempt to clarify the significance of the “modern age” in the history of firearms. The Russo-Ottoman War gave rise to the diffusion of Martini-Peabody rifle in the Borderland, the impact of which can be discerned from Sheikh ‘Obeyd allāh’s revolt in 1880 and the destabilization of the regional security in the 1880s and 1890s. On the other hand, the Qajar irregular forces armed with those rifles displayed their own importance, and the Qajar dynasty attempted to utilize “modern” arms spread in the region by mobilizing these irregulars. This attitude seems to have been related to the general military policy of the Qajar dynasty in the age. Reacting to the arming of the Borderland, indigenous gunsmiths attempted to produce the imitations or to reuse metal cartridges locally, showing the indigenous technological level of arms production. Finally, the author suggests that these developments prepared the ground for the later historical developments including the Constitutional Revolution and the conflicts between various ethnic groups in the region in the WWI period.
末森 晴賀
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.38, no.1, pp.95-123, 2022-08-31 (Released:2023-09-10)

From the late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century, disordering caused by “pirates” still continued aroung the Agean and Adriatic sea areas, where were battle fields in wars between the Ottoman empire and Venice just before the treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. In this situation, the Ottomans and the Venetians were trying to take anti-Ottoman “piracy” measures based on ahdnâmes. Maritime regime against “piracy” have been established during the sixteenth century and followed with slight elaborating some articles until the last ahdnâme given in the first half of the eighteenth century. The formation process of maritime regime on ahdnâmes are well known, however, its applications and practices have not received much attention. In this paper, we examined anti-“piracy” practices during that period with analyzing the Ottoman imperial orders registered in Düvel-i Ecnebiye Defteri 16/4, which shows continuing to following the “traditional” maritime regime on ahdnâmes since for the sixteenth century in practice, while the relationship between the Ottoman empire and Venice was beginning to adopt the European legal system in part.