兵頭 圭介 勝又 宏 川本 竜史 只隈 伸也 田中 博史 中間 和男 中村 正雄 宮城 修
大東文化大学紀要. 社会科学・自然科学 (ISSN:09122338)
vol.44, pp.209-228, 2006-03-31

Educational and research activity of physical education teaching staffs in Daito Bunka University were assessed by Corporation of the University Physical Education (Japan). Data for assessment were obtained from reports published in The Bulletin of Daito Bunka University and other published reports by Daito Bunka University. Physical education teaching staffs in Daito Bunka University were highly evaluated and awarded a prize of model for promoted faculty development in physical education. The performance of physical education teaching staffs were well improved by establishment of the Department of Sports and health sciences at Daito Bunka University in 2005.


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