浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.615, pp.157-164, 2007
2 1

This study aims to clarify actual conditions and planning problems of new roadside retail areas where large stores stands on the first and the 2nd blocks from arterial roads. As for those retail types, 7 areas exist in Hokuriku-Koshin-Etsu regions. 6 of 7 areas have been formed after 1995 and lands of all cases were built by land readjushment projects. Those new roadside retail areas are 2-10 times larger than usual roadside retail areas. From zoning control methods I classify 7 areas into 3 types (limited type to commerce uses, mixed type of commercial and industrial uses, and mixed type of commercial and residential uses), and consider planning problems of each type.


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こんな論文どうですか? 地方都市の郊外型商業集積地の形成と計画課題に関する研究 : 北陸甲信越地方の二列目街区商業集積型ロードサイド集積地に着目して(浅野 純一郎),2007 https://t.co/mvTKtnHY9D

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