小関 聡美 藤井 陽介 加藤 登 安永 廣作 北上 誠一 新井 健一
東海大学紀要. 海洋学部 (ISSN:13487620)
vol.4, pp.21-29, 2006-11-30

スケトウダラとパシフィック・ホワィティングの混合肉糊に3% 牛血漿粉末を添加し, 30℃ または50℃ で数時間予備加熱し, さらに90℃ で20 分加熱した. 30℃ で加熱すると, 続く90℃ の加熱によって肉糊は強い坐りゲルを形成するようになり, 二段加熱ゲルの破断強度とゲル剛性は高値に達する. 混合肉中のスケトウダラの割合を増やすと, 破断強度の最大値は比例的に増加するが, ゲル剛性はあまり増加しなかった. 一方, 50℃ で加熱すると肉糊は坐りゲルを形成せず, 全ての二段加熱ゲルの物性は低値に留まった.これらの結果は, 二段加熱ゲルの物性を大きく増強させる牛血漿粉末の機能が, 坐りを伴うゲルと坐りを伴わないゲルに対してでは明らかに異なることを示している.The functional effect of bovine plasma on heat-induced gel formation of the mixture of salt-ground meats from walleye pollack and Pacific whiting surimi was investigated in connection with preheating temperature.The mixture of salt-ground meats was preheated at 30 or 50℃ for several hours in the presence of 3% bovine plasma powder, and subsequently heated at 90℃ for 20 minutes to prepare two-step heated gel.Preheating of the mixture of salt-ground meats with bovine plasma at 30℃ increased the breaking strength and the gel stiffness of two-step heated gel. The maximum values of breaking strength were proportionally increased with rising of the ratio of walleye pollack surimi in the mixture, but those of gel stiffness were not increased. On the other hand, the preheating of the mixture with bovine plasma at 50℃ did not promote gel formation and consequently the breaking strength as well as the gel stiffness of all of two-step heating gels remained lower values.These results indicated that a functional effect of bovine plasma powder on the heat-induced gel formation of salt-ground meats with and without setting was evidently different.


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こんな論文どうですか? スケトウダラとパシフィック・ホワイティングの混合肉糊から調製した坐りを伴った加熱ゲルと坐りを伴わない加熱ゲルの品質に対する牛血漿粉末の効果,2006 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006250465

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