菊地 秀文 新井 健一 柳沢 昌義 赤堀 侃司
vol.2, pp.27-28, 2013

新井 健一郎
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.53, no.1, pp.177-180, 2015

櫻井 博紀 佐藤 純一 青野 修一 新井 健一 井上 真輔 西原 真理 畠山 登 尾張 慶子 西須 大徳 牧野 泉 牛田 享宏
vol.34, no.4, pp.336-341, 2019-12-20 (Released:2020-03-14)

Patients who complain of chronic pain have various symptoms and complicated pathologies, and there are often cases in which the symptoms worsen due to weather changes. However, few studies have examined the nature of pain affected by weather changes. In this time, we investigated the characteristics of patients with weather–related pain. As results, their pain intensity is moderate and they can maintain moderate daily activity. But in psychosocial factors, they have low self–efficacy and high catastrophic thinking. As treatment for chronic pain, exercise therapy managed by a therapist is highly recommended in non–drug therapy. Patients with weather–related pain often complain at head and neck shoulders. Evidences on the effects of exercise therapy for these body parts have also been reported. We hope that capturing the characteristics of patients with weather–related pain will lead to more appropriate treatments tailored to the pathological condition of the patients.
西原 真理 新井 健一 牛田 享宏

感覚過敏は中枢神経感作とも重なる概念であるが、その評価は主観的なものに限られ、他覚的に定量化する試みは成功していない。治療法として弁別能力を向上させることが有効であると推測されるが、その生理学的評価を中心に研究を継続している。これまでは聴覚刺激による皮質反応を検討してきたが、触覚による評価も追加した。一連の研究から、触覚でも聴覚と同様の抑制が見られること、その抑制は情報の階層処理が進むほど強くなること、個体内で聴覚、触覚の抑制率に一定の傾向があることなどが分かっている。新しい生理指標として期待できるものであった。また異なる方法として、音圧変化の程度に応じて反応する聴覚誘発反応変化率(loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials:LDAEP)についても検討し、それらが不安や特定の性格傾向と関連があるかどうかについて調べている。また、更に感覚過敏を社会関係性の視点から検討するために動物実験を追加している。このために高社会性げっ歯類であるハタネズミを用いた。これまで既に、絆が形成されたペアーを短期間離して飼育すると、機械刺激、熱刺激に対する反応性が増強すること、この過敏性は不安と関連していることを報告している。現在は感覚過敏の治療に応用するための正確な生理学的評価である聴覚、触覚刺激による脳内抑制機構の定量化の成果は得られているが、直接的に治療に結びつけ、論文発表に結びつけ、一定の成果を上げるにはさらに追加実験が必要であると考えたため、研究を1年延長した。
三村 豊 新井 健一郎 志摩 憲寿 加藤 剛

水谷 みゆき 鈴木 千春 大道 裕介 櫻井 博紀 森元 温子 西原 真理 牛田 亨宏 新井 健一 佐藤 純
vol.27, no.3, pp.175-188, 2012-08-10 (Released:2013-02-19)

The effect of hypnotic intervention for the refractory chronic pain patients was examined along with the process of patients' selection and their psychological characteristics. The total 596 visit patients in the first year were statistically examined concerning duration of pain, scores of psychological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and disability (Pain Disability Assessment Scale) at the initial visit and the treatment outcome at the end of the first year. The duration of chronic pain was significantly related to disability but not to psychological distress at the initial visit. At the end of the first year of multidisciplinary pain treatment, 44% of total patients were under treatment, 19% finished treatment (10% evidently improved and 9% accepted their pain), 12% were referred and 25% dropped out. The group of patients who were evidently improved was not different concerning the duration of pain, but significantly less anxious, less depressed and less disabled at the initial visit than the other groups. Among the 261 patients under treatment, 33 patients (5.6% of total patients) were introduced into individual psychological interventions in consideration of 1) poor outcome in pharmacological and physical treatments, 2) unstable treatment relationship and marked pain behaviors, 3) obvious psychological distress, 4) event-related fluctuations in pain. They were significantly more anxious and depressed at the initial visit, than those who were not introduced to psychological intervention. Multiple bio-psycho-social factors were identified; tender points in 21 patients (by physiotherapist), stressful life events around the onset of pain in 26, serious daily conflicts at present in 30, catastrophizing thinking in 21, repressive thinking in 12, avoidance in 2 and perseverative coping in 6. Many of them did not or partly perceive their somatic tension / discomfort. Multiple factors were considered to inhibit the effect of treatment in those patients. In individual hypnosis, therapeutic conversation, permissive induction and indirect suggestions were employed. Direct suggestions for analgesia were not applied. Among 33 patients, 25 patients experienced hypnotic analgesia during sessions, 14 of whom finished their sessions with the decreased daily pain level or the enhanced effect of medication until the end of the 3rd year. Among them, 5 patients evidently improved (one phantom limb pain and 4 other chronic pain). Hypnosis successfully helped 42% of the patients who had failed to respond to multi disciplinary treatment. The psychosomatic resources in patients need to be more attended and utilized in chronic pain treatment.
北上 誠一 村上 由里子 安永 廣作 阿部 洋一 加藤 登 新井 健一 SEIICHI KITAKAMI YURIKO MURAKAMI KOSAKU YASUNAGA YOICHI ABE NOBORU KATO KEN-ICHI ARAI 社団法人全国すり身協会 社団法人全国すり身協会 独立行政法人水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 カネテツデリカフーズ株式会社 東海大学海洋学部 社団法人全国すり身協会 National Surimi Manufacturers Association National Surimi Manufacturers Association National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Kanetetsu Delica Foods Inc. School of Marine Science and Technology Tokai University National Surimi Manufacturers Association
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.2, pp.250-257, 2009-03-15
2 3

等級の異なる10種のスケトウダラ冷凍すり身に加水して調製した加熱ゲルの破断強度(BS),破断凹み,及びゲル剛性(Gs)とタンパク質(P)濃度の関係を解析した。そして,(1)BSとGsはP濃度に伴って指数関数的に増大,(2)加水しない加熱ゲルのBSとGsの最大値はすり身の等級が上位の方が高く,(3)BS vs Gsを図示すると,10種のすり身から得た加熱ゲルの両値の間に強い正の相関があった。これらの結果は,そのBSとGsのレベルとP濃度依存性から見積る加熱ゲル形成能が,冷凍すり身の品質要因の一として有用であることを示す。From ten lots of walleye pollack frozen surimis of various grades, the heated gels of different protein concentrations were prepared by adding 0-150% water. Breaking strength (BS), breaking strain (bs), and gel stiffness (Gs=BS/bs) were measured, and the effect of the protein concentration of the heated gel on their physical values was analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) Of all the surimis tested, the BS and Gs of the heated gel increased exponentially with the increase in the protein concentration of the heated gel. (2) The maximum values of BS and Gs of the heated gels formed without addition of water were higher in the order of SA>FA>A>KA>2nd grades of frozen surimi. (3) When BS was plotted against Gs, there was a close, positive correlation among those of the heated gels from the ten lots of frozen surimis of various grades. These results indicated that the heated gel forming ability, as measured by BS and Gs levels of the heated gel and its dependence on the protein concentration, is a useful parameter for judging the quality of walleye pollack frozen surimi.
新井 健一郎
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Southeast Asian Studies (ISSN:21867275)
vol.4, no.3, pp.445-486, 2015-12-31 (Released:2017-03-30)

This paper is an attempt to explore the features of Indonesia's post-New Order regime in terms of the reorganization of the spatial, economic, and socio-political order in the Jabodetabek region. Although buoyant property investments in the last seven to eight years significantly changed the skyline of the metropolis, this paper reveals that the basic pattern did not alter after the regime change, with major developers taking control of vast areas of suburban land and creating an oligopolistic order. This paper argues that this continuity was due greatly to the developers' ability to organize and protect their collective interests through business associations and strong ties with political parties and the administration. The paper concludes that the emerging new regime comprises privatized urban governance in satellite cities, a dual government arrangement, and widening socio-spatial cleavages. So far, the tension inherent in this arrangement has been contained by measures such as the privatization of security and the political mobilization of Islam.
新井 健一 小野 諭
vol.2003, no.125(2003-AVM-043), pp.183-188, 2003-12-19

放送品質映像を効率的に編集・混合するための映像プラットフォームの構築について述べる.放送品質映像の伝送に際しての要求条件は,(l)品質:連続したノイズフリーな映像の保持,(2)同期:複数映像/音声の正確な同期の維持,(3)スムースフェールオーバ:伝送時のフェールオーバにおける映像/音声データと時間軸品質の確保,である. 本論文では,(1)品質と(2)同期に関して,非同期網を介して複数の放送品質映像の同時性と時間軸を保証して伝送させるために開発したUnisync映像伝送システムの有効性を,ATM技術を基盤としているJGN上に構築された長距離テストベッドを介して伝送されたSMPTE-314M映像の品質から評価したので報告する.品質評価は,最大8万kmの超長距離ATM伝送路を介して伝送された映像のPSNR(peak-signal to Noise Ratio)を測定することによって実施した.
河合 隆志 牛田 享宏 井上 真輔 池本 竜則 新井 健一 西原 真理
vol.29, no.3, pp.181-189, 2014-08-30 (Released:2014-09-16)

Many patients have neck and back pain, and their standing posture (spinal alignment) is sometimes considered to be one of the factors that contributes to such pain. Thus, it would be useful to evaluate spinal loads in that posture. A method to evaluate individual spinal loads using link segment models made from body mass distributions using DXA (dual–energy X–ray absorptiometry) was developed.   An element was defined as 1.30 × 1.22 cm, and a detailed body mass distribution consisting of 7473 elements was constructed using DXA equipment (QDR4500). The subjects' bodies were divided into cervicofacial (vertex–C7 ⁄ T1), thoracic (C7 ⁄ T1 – T12 ⁄ L1), and lumbar (T12 ⁄ L1 – L4 ⁄ 5) segments. Each mass, M1, M2, and M3, and the center of the masses were calculated. With these parameters and DXA images, each torque, TC7/T1, TT12/L1, and TL4/5, was calculated from the following formulas: TC7/T1 = M1gr1cosθ1, TT12/L1 = M1g (l2cosθ2 + r1cosθ1) + M2gr2cosθ2, and TL4/5 = M1g (l3cosθ3 + l2cosθ2 + r1cosθ1) + M2g (l3cosθ3 + r2cosθ2) + M3gr3cosθ3 (r1, r2, and r3: lengths from the rotation center to each center of mass; l2 and l3: lengths of C7 ⁄ T1 – T12 ⁄ L1 and T12 ⁄ L1 – L4 ⁄ 5; θ1, θ2, and θ3: angles formed between a horizontal line and r1, r2, and r3). In order to reproduce the standing posture on DXA, the standing side was formed by a vacuum cushion for operative position in advance.   The parameters from DXA in the lateral view were as follows. In case 1 (38–year–old man, healthy, 164.0 cm and 55.5 kg), they were M1 = 4.50, M2 = 13.24, M3 = 6.92 kg, TC7/T1 = –0.28, TT12/L1 = –3.80, and TL4/5 = –6.42 Nm (facing right, clockwise: positive). In case 2 (76–year–old man, lumbar spondylosis, 156.9 cm and 59.6 kg), they were M1 = 4.83, M2 = 14.27, M3 = 10.34 kg, TC7/T1 = –1.69, TT12/L1 = –16.1, and TL4/5 = –44.3 Nm. In case 3 (71–year–old woman, lumbar spondylosis, scoliosis, 147.2 cm and 49.0 kg), they were M1 = 4.63, M2 = 11.42, M3 = 5.36 kg, TC7/T1 = –2.53, TT12/L1 = –16.0, and TL4/5 = –27.0 Nm. Torques at L4/5 were 6.9 and 4.2 times greater in cases 2 and 3 than in case 1. Total masses calculated from DXA were 54.5, 59.0, and 47.6 kg, and errors between these and actual weights were –1.8, –1.0, and –2.9%, respectively.   A method for evaluating spinal loads as torques was developed using DXA. In the future, it will be possible to use this method to evaluate factors such as pain and the effect of rehabilitation. The relationships between torques and various scales (such as pain, depression, ADL, and QOL) need to be examined, taking into account age, sex, muscular strength, etc.
李 南赫 加藤 登 安永 廣作 中川 則和 新井 健一
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.63, no.6, pp.977-984, 1997-11-15
1 1

It is known that in the gelation of salt-ground meat from walleye pollack surimi, favorable setting temperature appears to be at around 25°C, and the changing profile of gel strength of kamaboko gel as a function of setting at 40°C varies among the preparations of frozen surimi. At a setting temperature of 40°C, there was a general trend that the breaking strength of kamaboko gel formed from high grade surimi changed in a biphasic manner: on increase at an early stage of the setting and a subsequent decrease at a later stage, while the breaking strength of the gel from low grade surimi reduced in a monophasic manner.<br>We showed that there is a good correlation between the maximum value of breaking strength of kamaboko gel attained through the setting at 25°C and the changing rate of breaking strength of kamaboko gel as a function of the setting time at 40°C.<br>On the basis of these findings, we proposed a simple and quick method for evaluating the characteristic gelling ability of walleye pollack frozen surimi for practical use in a factory.
関 伸夫 宇野 秀樹 李 南赫 木村 郁夫 豊田 恭平 藤田 孝夫 新井 健一
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.56, no.1, pp.125-132, 1990
39 152

When carp myosin B was incubated at 25°C, SDS-PAGE showed that an addition of a soluble extract from Alaska pollack muscle and surimi greatly stimulated the cross-linking reac-tion of myosin heavy chains. This effect was completely lost on boiling but not with dialysis, suggesting the presence of an active enzyme, transglutaminase, in the extract. It was, therefore, purified from Alaska pollack muscle by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration.<br> The partially purified enzyme catalyzed the cross-linking reaction of myosin heavy chain and also showed an activity to incorporate a fluorescent amine, monodansylcadaverine, into acety-lated casein. SDS-PAGE analysis of carp myosin B incubated with the enzyme in the presence of monodansylcadaverine showed several fluorescent bands, including myosin heavy chain and its polymers, with a depletion of fluorescence on actin, tropomyosin and connectin bands. The transglutaminase activity was found at a molecular weight of about 85, 000 by the gel filtration and required Ca<sup>2+</sup>.<br> From these results, the presence of transglutaminase was ascertained in Alaska pollack muscle and surimi. The setting of the salted paste of muscle or surimi may thus involve at least the enzymatic process in gel network formation.
清水 康敬 高比良 美詠子 高津 直己 新井 健一
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.35, no.4, pp.357-367, 2012

石原 正仁 藤吉 康志 新井 健一郎 吉本 直弘 小西 啓之
天気 (ISSN:05460921)
vol.56, no.9, pp.727-742, 2009-09-30

1998年8月7日にメソスケール降雨帯が大阪湾上を南下し,その中で特に発達した積乱雲が関西国際空港(「関西空港」という)に近づいた.同空港において低層ウィンドシアーを監視している空港気象ドップラーレーダー(DRAW)は,この積乱雲が同空港に到達するまでの間にマイクロバーストを延べ24回自動検出した.このとき低層ウィンドシアーに関する共同調査を実施中であった関西航空地方気象台と北海道大学低温科学研究所は,この積乱雲を対象としてDRAWと同研究所の可搬型ドップラーレーダーによるデュアル観測を行った.この積乱雲は少なくとも4つのマイクロバースト(MB)を,7〜9分間隔で発生させていたことがわかった.このうちの2つのMBについて,その振舞いと内部・周辺の風の3次元分布を詳細に解析した.2つめのMBについては,DRAWの自動検出では水平距離4kmで17m/sの風の水平シアーが測定され,デュアル解析によると高度3kmで7m/sの下降流,及び高度500mで14m/sの水平風が形成されていた.またMB 3が到達した関西空港では21m/sの瞬間風速が記録された.これらのことから,DRAWの自動検出はMBの位置,形状,風の水平シアーの強さを精度よく算出していることがわかった.同時に,MBの非軸対称性が水平シアーの測定に誤差を生じさせる可能性のあることも分かった.MBの微細構造として,1つめのMBにともなう地上付近の発散流は非軸対称的な分布を示し,MBの移動方向の右前方に強く吹き出していた.このMBにともなう発散流の先端のガストフロントでは上昇流が作られ,その上昇流によって上空に形成された降水コアが着地するとともに,2つめのMBが発生した.MBの生成には,降水粒子の蒸発による下降流内の空気の冷却,及び落下する降水粒子が空気を引きずり下ろす力の両者が作用していたと推測された.航空機がこのMBに進入した場合,飛行経路に沿った風の水平シアーにともなう揚力減少の効果は,下降流が航空機を直接降下させる効果より2.7倍以上であったと見積もられた.
小関 聡美 藤井 陽介 加藤 登 安永 廣作 北上 誠一 新井 健一
東海大学紀要. 海洋学部 (ISSN:13487620)
vol.4, pp.21-29, 2006-11-30

スケトウダラとパシフィック・ホワィティングの混合肉糊に3% 牛血漿粉末を添加し, 30℃ または50℃ で数時間予備加熱し, さらに90℃ で20 分加熱した. 30℃ で加熱すると, 続く90℃ の加熱によって肉糊は強い坐りゲルを形成するようになり, 二段加熱ゲルの破断強度とゲル剛性は高値に達する. 混合肉中のスケトウダラの割合を増やすと, 破断強度の最大値は比例的に増加するが, ゲル剛性はあまり増加しなかった. 一方, 50℃ で加熱すると肉糊は坐りゲルを形成せず, 全ての二段加熱ゲルの物性は低値に留まった.これらの結果は, 二段加熱ゲルの物性を大きく増強させる牛血漿粉末の機能が, 坐りを伴うゲルと坐りを伴わないゲルに対してでは明らかに異なることを示している.The functional effect of bovine plasma on heat-induced gel formation of the mixture of salt-ground meats from walleye pollack and Pacific whiting surimi was investigated in connection with preheating temperature.The mixture of salt-ground meats was preheated at 30 or 50℃ for several hours in the presence of 3% bovine plasma powder, and subsequently heated at 90℃ for 20 minutes to prepare two-step heated gel.Preheating of the mixture of salt-ground meats with bovine plasma at 30℃ increased the breaking strength and the gel stiffness of two-step heated gel. The maximum values of breaking strength were proportionally increased with rising of the ratio of walleye pollack surimi in the mixture, but those of gel stiffness were not increased. On the other hand, the preheating of the mixture with bovine plasma at 50℃ did not promote gel formation and consequently the breaking strength as well as the gel stiffness of all of two-step heating gels remained lower values.These results indicated that a functional effect of bovine plasma powder on the heat-induced gel formation of salt-ground meats with and without setting was evidently different.