金井 香里
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.45, pp.235-244, 2006-03-10

Based on a field research conducted in a diverse classroom in a public primary school in the Kanagawa Prefecture, this article explores what kind of strategies a teacher adopts in order to resolve the dilemmas he encounters in coping with the issues of "newcomer" students in the classroom. It has been pointed out in a former study that Japanese teachers tend to have a peculiar way of dealing with issues of "newcomer" students : they eliminate rather than make the most of the cultural differences of the students'(datsu-bunmyakuka) ; they treat each "newcomer" student as a member of the homogeneous population in the classroom/school (doshitsuka) ; and they treat the difficulties/failures the students go through as individual issues, i.e., his/her own personality, rather than social issues (kojinka). Teachers seemingly have such tendencies. However, they encounter dilemmas, considering hard situations a "newcomer" student is in due to his/her own cultural/historical background. Through an analysis of a teacher's narratives as well as the teacher-student (s) interactions, the author illuminates why the teacher adopts strategies which may be expressed as kojinka or doshitsuka while he considers the hard situations the "newcomer" student is in due to his own cultural/historical background.


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