工藤 芳彰 古屋 繁
拓殖大学理工学研究報告 (ISSN:09198253)
vol.9, no.4, pp.75-76, 2006-10-20

This study investigated informatization of design and editorial type. Editorial type means type of editting that provides character of media. Editor makes a distinctive feature of media by combination of the types. We think user's idea of design and lifestyle is based on the conbination. The research methods are the following. The first, we tried to arrange of the stream of information about informatization of design. Second, we investigated some magazines as typical media focused into design, and editors of some select shops. Third, we investigated information about design in some famous net stores. Henceforth, We will try to consider about editorial type.


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こんな論文どうですか? デザインの情報化とエディトリアル・タイプに関する研究(工藤 芳彰ほか),2006 https://t.co/905HrAz6DF

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