川又 俊則 Toshinori KAWAMATA
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 (ISSN:13428802)
no.13, pp.87-98, 2006

It never necessarily goes well at pastors' old age. In each sect of the Christianity, the retirement system is introduced, and the retirement allowance is provided for the retirement pastors. There are some sects which pension system is prepared for, too. However, after it retires from the duty of pastor, they concerned are opposite to an economical, healthy difficulty. However, there is a retirement from active life pastor who publishes the person and the writing that keeps parting from the sect and being missioned, and is sending it with the web etc. in no small way, too. It will be able to be thought that the aged society is not caught in the minus but the field of a new mission for the Christianity extended.


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