永沢 幸七
東京家政学院大学紀要 (ISSN:02866277)
no.13, pp.53-65, 1973-12

Objects: The aim of this experiment is to compare which is the more effective method, that of presenting English sentence only, or the English sentences followed by the Japanese sentence and also to compare which number of trials are more effective, five times or ten times. This was said to be a comparative experiment between meaningful and rote learning on point of audio visual mechanical area. Procedure: The subjects for this experiment were about 386 boys and girls in senior high school. The material which was used for this experiment was a series of English sentences and English Japanese sentences based on sentence patterns by Hornby and Fries. English sentences based on Hornby's sentences, 9 sentences out of 25 sentences were selected for stimulus omitting complex sentences such as number 11, 12, 15, 16. Each sentence for a stimulus was composed of 7 syllables and 5 to 7 words. The sentences were divided into 3 high, 3 middle and 3 low depending on how difficult they were based on the result of a pre-experiment. English sentences based on Fries sentences-9 sentences were selected based on Fries English sentence patterns including 12, 3b, 14, 16, 14, 3a. 12, 2a, 15, 1a, 11, 2a, 15, 1b. The sentences were divided into 3 classes: high, middle and low depending on how difficult they were on the basis of a pre-experiment. The stimulus sentences were presented to the subjects of both groups by the control method. English and Japanese sentences were presented to the B group. Both groups for the experiment had no significant difference in their T score and English achievement, and are said to be of the same quality. Each sentence was presented in 10 seconds on 10×30 cards and tape recorder and in 5 or 10 trials in succession. The subjects produced the sentences they had learned by memory. After 10 trials presentation the subjects were asked to produce each sentence in 45 to 60 seconds. The order of presentation in experiment were the following. (1) Hornby_1-Fries_1, consists of 10 trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English and Japanese. (2) Hornby_2-Fries_2 consists of 10 trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English. (3) Hornby_3-Fries_3 consists of 5 trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English and Japanese. (4) Hornby_4-Fries_4 consists of trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English. The subjects for this experiment are assigned equally to experimental conditions with no significant difference on the basis of the result of value analysis. Results: In presentation English Japanese sentence group is more effective than English sentence group on a 1% level of significance on the basis of the result of value analysis. In trial and interaction, significant difference is observed at a 1% level in English Japanese sentences compared with English sentence group. Error analysis: English sentence group had more errors than English Japanese sentence group ; there were 298 in spelling, 95 in phrases, 37 were ungrammatical. As for the difference in difficulties, English Japanese sentences are superior to English sentences on a 0, 1%, 5% level of significance on high and middle.


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