竹中 暉雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.34, pp.210-131[含 英語文要旨], 2007-12

This paper mainly discusses the following six points.1. In order to understand the political background of Gakusei, we have to recognize not only the opposition of the Ministry of Finance on the grounds of financial difficulties, but also the fact that the issue of Gakusei was in conflict with the contract which was made with Ambassador Iwakura.2. Gakusei was hastily issued to make the political achievements of the cabinet members who remained in Japan.3. The most influential Sangi (cabinet member), Shigenobu Ookuma, did not hesitate in breaking the contract. On the other hand, Kaoru Inoue who was the temporary head of the Ministry of Finance did not make good use of the contract as the best excuse to restrict new projects such as Gakusei. In order to understand their actions, it is necessary to comprehend the formation process of Ambassador Iwakura and the contract itself.4. Ookuma could not play as important role in the process of making the contract as he had intended, and as he mentioned in his retrospective talk.5. Inoue could not make a secret promise with the cabinet leaders about his own overseas travel in the process of making the contract, while the political opponent of Inoue went abroad as one of the attendants of Ambassador Iwakura.6. The breach of contract by the cabinet members who remained in Japan was clouded after all, because Ambassador Iwakura also did not keep the contract, and because it became impossible to blame Ookuma and Ooki who became indispensable ministers as a result of the political change in 1873.


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