竹中 暉雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.12, pp.83-108, 1997-03-15

Edelwei〓piraten sind eine vergessene Protestbewegung in Deutschland, und eine noch fast unbekannte Tatsache in Japan. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist ein Versuch, das feindliche Verhaltnis zwischen Edelwei〓piraten, die meistens aus jugendlichen Arbeitern bestanden, und Hitlerjugend zu erklaren. Die Edelwei〓piraten standen der Hitlerjugend feindlich gegenuber und sie haben oftmals die uniformierte Hitlerjungen, besonders HJ-Streifendienst uberrascht und angepobelt. Ein Hitlerjunge sagte, da〓 es fur HJ-Angehorige eine Zeit lang unmoglich gewesen sei, wahrend der Dunkelheit in Uniform uber die Stra〓e zu gehen, ohne befurchten zu mussen, von Edelwei〓piraten angerempelt oder gar uberfallen zu werden. Ein HJ-Kameradschaftsfuhrer hat von HJ aus dem Grund entfernt, da〓 er von den Edelwei〓piraten uberrascht worden ist. In dieser Weise sind Edelwei〓piraten den Hitlerjugen ein gro〓es Hindernis geworden, um Hitlerjugenddienst fortzusetzen.
竹中 暉雄
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.551-600, 2015-03-23

This paper discusses the problem of the charging of school fees during the period of free compulsory education in modern Japan. 1 The charging of school fees for compulsory education was not sustained by any definite philosophy. There were exceptional cases when not only poor families but even relatively wealthy communities were exempted from charges, and also cases when charges were levied on the relatively poor community as well as on the wealthy. As a result, various unequal and unreasonable conditions came about. 2 No official explanation was given to the general public as to why it was necessary to pay school fees when compulsory education was supposed to be free, nor as to why it sometimes became unnecessary to pay. 3 Instead of the charging of fees, since the "Elementary School Ordinance" of 1900 had provided that compulsory education should be free, communities were still obliged to pay higher resident taxes because there was as yet no governmental grant to elementary schools. 4 Many books on educational administration defined the charging of school fees as a natural levy, and could not agree logically with the principle of free education. After the "Elementary School Ordinance" providing free compulsory education was issued, their explanation of free education consequently became very vague. 5 In a sense, the "Elementary School Ordinance" providing free compulsory education was unconstitutional, because the "city and town=village system" law of 1888 authorized cities, towns and villages to collect service charges as required, and the Imperial Constitution prescribed that an ordinance could not override the existing law. The author concludes that it was because of this that jurists, who must have been aware of this fact, hesitated to give their unconditional support to the free education system, with the result that their explanations became all the more vague.
竹中 暉雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.40, pp.322-269, 2011-03-30

This paper, motivated by the question of why the members of the drafting committee of Gakusei left almost no records of their work, focuses chiefly on the following four points. 1. Two poems by Hajime Uryu, a member of the drafting committee of Gakusei (one written at the time of his appointment, the other at the time of his resignation), are almost the only documents surviving that were written by members of the committee concerning their task. The poems reveal Uryu's strong dissatisfaction that the committee carried out its work with almost no sense of responsibility or team spirit, and that the original idea of "education for the national benefit" had been transformed into the idea of "education for individual benefit". If Uryu's complaint was valid, we can understand the reason why the members of the drafting committee did not talk about their work on Gakusei. 2. As the result of the situation Uryu described, Gakusei had many irregularities, not only in its main provisions but also in its Preamble, which includes the famous phrase "there may not be a village with an ignorant family, nor a family with an ignorant child". The text of the Preamble had many grammatical problems and included many historically untrue or exaggerated expressions. These problems have almost never been referred to in research on the Gakusei. 3. The problems in the Preamble to Gakusei become even clearer when we examine English versions of the text. Even the then Ministry of Education was evidently perplexed to prepare an English translation of the Preamble. 4. The new Meiji government emphasised the idea that education should be for the individual benefit in order to emphasise its position that people should not depend on the state for their educational costs. As a result, there were a number of important principles that the Preamble was unable to express. Firstly, the idea of "education for the public benefit" could not be expressed. The school charges referred to in the provisions of Gakusei began from the principle of a school district charge. Secondly, "the necessity of a uniform national educational system" could not be expressed. This system was designed in the provisions of Gakusei. Thirdly, the principle of educating people to be able to actively support the new state through their understanding of its decrees could not be expressed. The educational mission of the new Meiji state was to construct a nation governed by law.
竹中 暉雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.34, pp.210-131[含 英語文要旨], 2007-12

This paper mainly discusses the following six points.1. In order to understand the political background of Gakusei, we have to recognize not only the opposition of the Ministry of Finance on the grounds of financial difficulties, but also the fact that the issue of Gakusei was in conflict with the contract which was made with Ambassador Iwakura.2. Gakusei was hastily issued to make the political achievements of the cabinet members who remained in Japan.3. The most influential Sangi (cabinet member), Shigenobu Ookuma, did not hesitate in breaking the contract. On the other hand, Kaoru Inoue who was the temporary head of the Ministry of Finance did not make good use of the contract as the best excuse to restrict new projects such as Gakusei. In order to understand their actions, it is necessary to comprehend the formation process of Ambassador Iwakura and the contract itself.4. Ookuma could not play as important role in the process of making the contract as he had intended, and as he mentioned in his retrospective talk.5. Inoue could not make a secret promise with the cabinet leaders about his own overseas travel in the process of making the contract, while the political opponent of Inoue went abroad as one of the attendants of Ambassador Iwakura.6. The breach of contract by the cabinet members who remained in Japan was clouded after all, because Ambassador Iwakura also did not keep the contract, and because it became impossible to blame Ookuma and Ooki who became indispensable ministers as a result of the political change in 1873.
竹中 暉雄 Teruo Takenaka
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.40, pp.322-269, 2011-03-30

This paper, motivated by the question of why the members of the drafting committee of Gakusei left almost no records of their work, focuses chiefly on the following four points. 1. Two poems by Hajime Uryu, a member of the drafting committee of Gakusei (one written at the time of his appointment, the other at the time of his resignation), are almost the only documents surviving that were written by members of the committee concerning their task. The poems reveal Uryu's strong dissatisfaction that the committee carried out its work with almost no sense of responsibility or team spirit, and that the original idea of "education for the national benefit" had been transformed into the idea of "education for individual benefit". If Uryu's complaint was valid, we can understand the reason why the members of the drafting committee did not talk about their work on Gakusei. 2. As the result of the situation Uryu described, Gakusei had many irregularities, not only in its main provisions but also in its Preamble, which includes the famous phrase "there may not be a village with an ignorant family, nor a family with an ignorant child". The text of the Preamble had many grammatical problems and included many historically untrue or exaggerated expressions. These problems have almost never been referred to in research on the Gakusei. 3. The problems in the Preamble to Gakusei become even clearer when we examine English versions of the text. Even the then Ministry of Education was evidently perplexed to prepare an English translation of the Preamble. 4. The new Meiji government emphasised the idea that education should be for the individual benefit in order to emphasise its position that people should not depend on the state for their educational costs. As a result, there were a number of important principles that the Preamble was unable to express. Firstly, the idea of "education for the public benefit" could not be expressed. The school charges referred to in the provisions of Gakusei began from the principle of a school district charge. Secondly, "the necessity of a uniform national educational system" could not be expressed. This system was designed in the provisions of Gakusei. Thirdly, the principle of educating people to be able to actively support the new state through their understanding of its decrees could not be expressed. The educational mission of the new Meiji state was to construct a nation governed by law.
竹中 暉雄
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.67, no.3, pp.344-352, 2000-09-30

ここに紹介するのは、その存在が確実視されながら未だ確認できていなかった、E・ハウスクネヒト(Emil Hausknecht, 1853〜1927)作成の中学校教員の資格と国家試験に関する勅令案である。それは、東京帝国大学の外国人教師であった(1887年〜1890年)ハウスクネヒトが品川弥二郎に送った書簡の中で、「江木千之と一緒に作成した勅令案であり、すぐにでも実現して欲しい」と訴えていたものである。彼はドイツにおけると同様に、中学校教員は大学卒業者に対して2度の国家試験を課して選抜し、その地位と経済的待遇とを高める必要性を折に触れ主張していた。しかしこの勅令案では、その一番重要な点において妥協がなされている。それでもすでに存在していた日本の中等学校教員検定制度と比べると、かなり多くの相違点が存在していた。だからこそそれを日本政府に提案する意義があったのである。勅令案には、非妥協の点もあった。重要な点は2点あり、その1点目は、ドイツ流に学術上の検定と実務上の検定とをする2段階検定制を採用することであり、2点目は、予備学として全志願者に教育学・教授学を課すことである。この後者のことは、ヘルバルト主義者としては譲れない点であった。けっきょく勅令案は採用されることなく、ハウスクネヒトは失意のうちに帰国していった。けれどもその後、勅令案に含まれていた事項の多くは、検定制度改革のつど、実現されていった。ハウスクネヒトの主張でついに実現されることがなかったのは、実務の検定と複合科目試験制、上級教員称号制のみであった。しかし、実現されたといっても、それがはたして勅令案の影響によるものであったかどうか、それを肯定あるいは否定する証拠は現在のところまだない。新たな史料の発掘が残された課題である。
竹中 暉雄
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.67, no.3, pp.344-352, 2000-09-30 (Released:2007-12-27)

ここに紹介するのは、その存在が確実視されながら未だ確認できていなかった、E・ハウスクネヒト(Emil Hausknecht, 1853~1927)作成の中学校教員の資格と国家試験に関する勅令案である。それは、東京帝国大学の外国人教師であった(1887年~1890年)ハウスクネヒトが品川弥二郎に送った書簡の中で、「江木千之と一緒に作成した勅令案であり、すぐにでも実現して欲しい」と訴えていたものである。彼はドイツにおけると同様に、中学校教員は大学卒業者に対して2度の国家試験を課して選抜し、その地位と経済的待遇とを高める必要性を折に触れ主張していた。しかしこの勅令案では、その一番重要な点において妥協がなされている。それでもすでに存在していた日本の中等学校教員検定制度と比べると、かなり多くの相違点が存在していた。だからこそそれを日本政府に提案する意義があったのである。勅令案には、非妥協の点もあった。重要な点は2点あり、その1点目は、ドイツ流に学術上の検定と実務上の検定とをする2段階検定制を採用することであり、2点目は、予備学として全志願者に教育学・教授学を課すことである。この後者のことは、ヘルバルト主義者としては譲れない点であった。けっきょく勅令案は採用されることなく、ハウスクネヒトは失意のうちに帰国していった。けれどもその後、勅令案に含まれていた事項の多くは、検定制度改革のつど、実現されていった。ハウスクネヒトの主張でついに実現されることがなかったのは、実務の検定と複合科目試験制、上級教員称号制のみであった。しかし、実現されたといっても、それがはたして勅令案の影響によるものであったかどうか、それを肯定あるいは否定する証拠は現在のところまだない。新たな史料の発掘が残された課題である。