川島 利兵衛 天下井 清 蛇沼 俊二
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.63, pp.107-115, 1980

The typhoon 20, 1979 was strong and severe. It ran through the Japanese Islands quickly and caused damages throughout Japan. In this paper, the behaviour of typhoon 20, 1979 and the state of the sea as the typhoon approached the coast of Hokkaido, were investigated. In addition, the damages to fishing boats, fishing facilities and establishments and sea causalities of fishing boats were investigated. In this investigation, the relationship between the movement of the typhoon 20 and damages and sea causalities caused by the typhoon were considered and discussed.


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こんな論文どうですか? 北海道周辺における台風20号(昭和54年)による海象と漁船被害について(川島 利兵衛ほか),1980 https://t.co/GHfxsPjzfb The typhoon 20, 1979 was strong and s…
こんな論文どうですか? 北海道周辺における台風20号(昭和54年)による海象と漁船被害について(川島 利兵衛ほか),1980 https://t.co/GHfxsPjzfb The typhoon 20, 1979 was strong and s…
こんな論文どうですか? 北海道周辺における台風20号(昭和54年)による海象と漁船被害について(川島 利兵衛ほか),1980 https://t.co/GHfxsPjzfb
こんな論文どうですか? 北海道周辺における台風20号(昭和54年)による海象と漁船被害について(川島 利兵衛ほか),1980 https://t.co/tc7ToFYQw0

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