森山 剛 小沢 慎治
情報処理学会研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.12, pp.33-38, 2008-02-08

自分の声で好みの歌唱様式を有した歌声を作るには,歌唱を訓練し,歌唱様式を学び,さらに歌声を発する恥ずかしさを克服しなければならず,非常に困難である.そこで,歌詞を朗読するだけで,その音声と楽譜を入力とし,ユーザの声の話者性を損なわずに,自由な歌唱様式を有した歌唱を合成する手法を提案する.本手法により,楽譜さえあれば,どんな曲でも,いつでもどこでも何度でも,自分の声で歌わせることができ,さらにリズムや旋律を工夫してジャズや演歌といったジャンルを演出したり,他人の歌い方を真似したり,音痴を修正したりできる.楽譜を編集する過程で,歌唱様式をどう実現すれば良いか学習でき,また自分が歌う前に,自分が歌った場合のイメージを掴むこともできる.聴取実験により,朗読音声の話者性や歌詞の音韻性を損なわず,歌唱様式の基本となる演奏記号を合成できることが示された.We propose a method of transforming reading speech of lyrics to singing voice. It is capable of realizing favorite style in the transformation, i.e., a specific genre and an expression. Generating singing voice by one's own voice requires the person to train singing, to learn how to realize singing styles, and to overcome hesitation in singing out. The proposed method only requires the user to read the lyrics. It then allows the user to generate singing voice of any music, anytime, anywhere, and any number of times. The user can edit the music for generating a specific singing style, mimicing other's style of singing, and correcting the problematic portion of his or her singing. The user can also learn how to realize a specific style in singing and hear how it sounds when he or she sings on his or her own. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method was able to synthesize a comprehensive set of basic indications such as crescendo in the synthesized singing holding the voice quality of the speaker.


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