河村 英和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 = Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering (ISSN:13404210)
no.629, pp.1637-1642, 2008-07-30

Since 14<sup>th</sup> century, in Venice there were the numerous noble palaces converted into the hotel. This custom is remarkable, particularly, in Venice and it continues also during all 19<sup>th</sup> century, while in the other European cities were built many <i>grand hotels</i> as a new hotel building typology. Finally, at the beginnings of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, on the Lido beach it starts to build some international <i>Grand Hotel</i> style architecture. Instead in Venice it begins to construct other new hotels, on-line of the reminiscence of the local traditional historical style. After the Second World War, also now, once more in Venice it is the fashion of conversion into hotels from the historical buildings of many different types.


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こんな論文どうですか? 19世紀から20世紀初頭におけるウ゛ェネツィアのホテル建築の変遷について : ウ゛ェネト・ビザンチン様式の歴史的パラッツオ転用からグランドホテル様式建設まで(河村 英和),2008 … https://t.co/gBEbQUPo0h

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