高橋 憲一
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.14, pp.23-32, 2008

Today scientists, in their research, are not or less concerned with religious belief. But today's common senseis not simply true for those who were engaged in scientific research at the early phase of the Scientific Revolution. Especially as for the motives of their study of the universe, we can detect religious motives and their reflections in their theoretical contents. In this essay the author takes up representative cases -- Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler and Galileo -- and tries to investigate relationships between their theoretical setups and the creation doctrine of the Bible. For all of them it was, so to speak, the major premise that the universe was a work of God the creator. Consequently the scientific personality of each scientist may be clarified by looking at where to find God's hands of creation in this universe, or in other wordsm, at what aspect of God's attributions was to be emphasized: for instance, His beauty, infinity, trinity, or His mathematical intellect.


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"ヨシュアの奇跡…について,太陽の自転を止めることによって全惑星の運動が止まったとする…私的解釈)をガリレオが提出""ガリレオ事件の遠因の一つは,自然学が神学の領域を侵犯したことに求められ" →ガリレオ

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