松永 典子 施 光恒
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.20, pp.61-76, 2014

This is a report concerning research on attempts at graduate school to distill the results of Japan Studies to International students' education and Japanese language education. In this report, we have reflected on the practices of the past three years to form a graduate education program to develop human resources for the comprehensive acquisition of both Japanese language and human social science. Based on their reports and interviews, we analyzed what the students have acquired and were dissatisfied with the course of the comprehensive seminar "processing of knowledge". As a result, it is indicated that there is the possibility that the students have broadened their horizons even into other fields besides the field of each teacher in charge of the lecture. However, it should be noted that the international students made a proposal for the improvement of the lecture because it was too difficult for them to understand and they realized that there was much for them to learn. In addition, a noteworthy point is that both International students and Japanese students pointed out the importance of discussion among students majoring in different fields. As suggested above, it is necessary for teachers to share goals and methods of education in order for international students to understand more technical and comprehensive issues. Therefore, the need has been suggested that teachers in each field of study should be involved both in making texts from the editing stage and developing a curriculum which includes the students acting independently during the seminar.
新島 龍美
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.16, pp.51-64, 2010

本研究は、アリストテレス作と伝えられる『大道徳学』(Magna Moralia)のテキスト校訂に関わる作業の一環として、従来学問的に最も高く評価されてきたズーゼミール校訂のトイプナー版の検討を行うものである。本稿は、その最初の作業として、同版の「印刷ミス」、および、用いられた諸写本や印刷諸刊本の読み方並びに先行研究によって提案された推測(conjectures)の報告に関する誤りを指摘し、新たな批判校訂版の必要性を示す。This study aims to show the necessity for a new edition of the supposedly Aristotelian work, Magna Moralia, by considering the exacteness of its most reliable text that is edited by Franz Susemihl, published by Teubner.
山部 木の実
vol.26, pp.35-43, 2009-08-31 (Released:2010-05-25)

This paper examines the relationship between Taiheiki story (Taihei means peace) that is a tale of War In medieval times and the Ashikaga Shognate. There are three considerations about it. The first is about the author of Taiheiki named Kojima priest who was introduced in the diary of the lord Toin Kinsada in that time. Imagawa Ryoushun who was a relative of the Ashikaga farnily made cornments about the author of Taiheiki in his book “Nan Taiheiki". And Kojima priest was introduced in Kouhukuji Temple chronicle. The second specified the term that Taiheiki was written by using chronological table. The third clanfied the reasons why the Ashikaga Shognate tried to decide Taiheiki story that was written by Kojima priest as the history of the Ashikaga Shognate and reorganaize it. The results of this study are as follows, (1) The author of Taiheiki story was Kojima priest as Toin Kinsada wrote in his diary. It had been thought that the priests of Rishu sect (one of the Buddihst groups) wrote Taiheiki. Kojima priest might get the information about Taiheiki from this priests group. (2) Taiheiki that was written by Kojima priest covered the term that was from the “Shouchu no hen" that the Emperor Godaigo attempted to overthrow the Kamakura Shogunate to the time when the Ashikaga Shogunate got its power. (3) The Ashikaga Shogunate tried to adopt Taiheiki that was written by Kojima priest as the history of the Ashikaga Shougunate. Because Taiheiki included the process that the Ashikaga Shogunate came into power. It might be reorganized as the history of the Ashikaga Shougunate.

2 0 0 0 IR 大元の記憶

森川 哲雄
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.14, pp.65-81, 2008

In this paper, it is argued a problem how was memorized the name of the Dai Yuan ulus(The Great Yuan dynasty)and its activity by Mongolians of later ages. The Yuan dynasty was founded by Khubilai khan and so it was also called the Khubilai dynasty. However rule of Mongolia by descendants of Khubilai stopped once in the end of the 14th century. It is known that descendants of Arigbukha and Ogedei ruled over Mongolia for a while afterwards. Nevertheless the Mongolians of those days had the recognition that the Yuan dynasty still continued. Dayan khan who succeeded the khan throne at the end of the 15th century called himself the Great khah of the Ta Yuan(the Great Yuan)for the Ming government. But there is no description on the foundation of the Yuan dynasty by Khubilai in the Mongol chronicles edited in the 17th century.One of the editors of chronicle interprets a meaning of Dayan of Dayan khan as "whole" not "the Great Yuan". This means that memory of the Yuan dynasty faded among the Mongolian intellectuals of the 17th century. However editors of chronicle described in the 18th century write down clearly that the founder of the Yuan dynasty is Khubilai and Dayan means the Great Yuan dynasty. The reason of why they became to understand Chinese and edited chronicles using Chinese materials, especially the Histoly of the Yuan dynasty.
服部 英雄
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.16, pp.121-264, 2010

A lot of medieval castle ruins were seen in and around Noubi Plain (south of Gifu Prefecture and west of Aichi Prefecture) and Mikawa, in 1960s. In the 16th century, the warlords who lived in these castles became vassals of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Forty years have elapsed since then. The land was developed and most of the castle ruins disappeared. I photographed these remains in my boyhood. The remains do not exist now,but I have many photographs and see them even now. First, I would like to introduce those pictures of castle remains,and aerial photos next. I also introduce cadastral maps, drawing map made in Edo period, and the books on cultural assets. I want to imagine the old state of those castles with those pictures and books and my heart goes out to the history, preservation and destruction of the ruins.
李 商益
no.35, pp.61-68, 2014

This research studies the development of ethnic business and its strategy in Tsuruhashi's Korea Town, one of the most well-known Korea Towns in Japan. The research focuses mainly on the seasoning used by food business operators. Tsuruhashi's Korea Town developed after World War II as a neighborhood with a large concentration of "old-comer" ethnic Koreans, and it was closely connected with the daily lives of its residents. In recent years, with an influx of South Korean newcomers and with the development of tourism, Tsuruhashi has become a well-known tourist spot. Tsuruhashi, alongside other Japanese Korea Towns such as Shin Okubo in Tokyo, gives people the opportunity to enjoy South Korean culture in Japan. That is why operators of ethnic businesses in Tsuruhashi need to cater to the needs of both Japanese tourists and local Korean residents. In order to study the strategies that they employ to this aim, I investigated the methods of seasoning used by food vendors. The findings of this survey are as follows: First, the operators of food related businesses are not long-time Korean residents of Japan, but mainly newcomers from South Korea. Second, local South Korean or North Korean residents form only a minority of the customer base, while the majority consists of Japanese tourists influenced by the recent boom for Korean culture in Japan. Given this background, it is clear that for the most part the seasoning, the major point that business strategy revolves around, is adapted to suit the tastes of Japanese tourists, although there may be some differences in approach among the sub-areas of the Tsuruhashi district.
曹 美庚
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.16, pp.73-85, 2010


2 0 0 0 IR 二つの従軍記

大原 長和 松浦 長彦 服部 英雄
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.15, pp.1-25, 2009

I was involved in the edit of the book named "The Springtime Group, good-bye Roppon-matsu-campus"(『青春群像, さよなら六本松』) this past year. While being engaged in this work, I heard a lot of stories of old times. But articles irrelevant to the campus were not to be carried in this book. So I decided to publish two stories concerning World War II. One is by Mr. Ohara Nagakazu, who is Professor Emeritus at Kyushu University. He received a call to arms before his graduation, It is the so-called "Gakuto-Shutujinn" (学徒出陣) -many students enlisted in to go to the front. He first joined the Sasebo Kaiheidan (marine mass) and next went to the Mine Bomb School (機雷学校) (antisubmarine school, 対潜学校) and then went to the submarine school after that. He became a member of Special Attack Corps (Tokkou, 特攻) for homeland defense war (the Hondo Kessen). It was just before the end of the war. The warships of Japan, that were very few left, were not able to move because of the shortage of fuel oil. Enemies' airplanes attacked the warships one after another and all of them sank immediately. Mr.Ohara, the second lieutenant of Naval forces (少尉) , was looking at the scene through the spectacle. It was the end of the Imperial Navy. Several days later, Mr. Ohara saw the clouds caused by Atomic Bomb from the Kurahashijima island and the war ended before the sortie instruction to him. I heard this story from Professor Ohara himself for the record. The followings are cited from the introductory article of the war written by Mr. Matura Osahiko. This had already been published as a book. We have the small number of copies of this book since they were distributed only among the bereaved family. Mr. Matsura had been doing the leftist movement while he was attending the Fukuoka High School at Roppon-matsu. Even after he became a student at Tokyo Imperial University, he continued the leftist movement. He was arrested and detained, however, and being converted, he gave up the leftist movement. His grandfather tried to have him apply for military forces. But this attempt became impossible since he had been imprisoned. He was summoned to military forces several years later. He continuously joined many battles in various places throughout Asia. His main battlefields were China, Batan Peninsula and Manshu. When the artilleryman shot the cannon, his assignment was work to measure the position to the target and the distance. He was always in the dangerous front. He is a person who thinks from the weak person's standpoint. He described taking officers, noncommissioned officers, and soldier's tricky, non-human actions. We can learn ugliness and the ineptitude of the war well by reading such records.
服部 英雄
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.16, pp.1-8, 2010

Which route did Sassa Narimasa take? Where was Zara Pass? Study on Documents of Murakami Yoshinaga, who was a subordinate of Narimasa. I published a book,"The History of The Mountain Pass" in 2007. I made the following statement in the book. Sassa Narimasa was the lord of Toyama castle in Ecchu (Toyama prefecture). In winter of 1584 (12th of Tensho Era), he went to Hamamatsu in Enshu (Shizuoka prefecture) and Kira in Mikawa (Aichi prefecture). The purpose of this trip was to meet Tokugawa Ieyasu. The course that Sassa Narimasa took was called Zara pass, which almost everyone thinks as Zara pass over the Tateyama mountain. In my book,I introduced it was Zara pass over the Abou mountain, not over Tateyama mountain, that Sassa Narimasa took. The way through Abou (Abou Way) was called Kamakura Kaidou (Kamakura Way) in old days. Various opinions were announced after I had published the book. This study is my rebuttal to them. I tried to counter the criticism against my book. I also examined the newly-discovered historical documents that I was not able to take up in this book. The new documents are the letters which Sassa Narimasa gave to Murakami Yoshinaga in December of 1584 (12th of Tensho Era), which was almost the same period of time when Sassa Narimasa traveled around. My opinion on Abou Traffic Pass was really reinforced with the discovery of these new documents (Murakami Documents).
服部 英雄
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.14, pp.1-48, 2008

This is a Report of Symposiac examining the Maintenance of historic site and reconstraction of the historical buildings. Hattori reported about the restoration work of the Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate inside the Fukuoka-jyo castle. Fukuoka City is doing restoration works of Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate based on the image of old photo Kami-no-hashi-mon gate.The most similar building to this Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate and Kami-no-hashi-mon is honmaru-omote-mon gate. The window shutter of the honmaru-omote-mon gate is hung by the hinge and projected from the wall when it is open. In this style of window which is similar to Bahama shutter style, the window looks consecutive with the wall, and the number of windows can be doubled that of the sliding shutter style windows needing storage place behind the wall. The upper half of the Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate is a lattice and has holes through which you can shoot at the enemies. The restoration plan made by Fukuoka City assumed that the part colored white in the black and white photo was a wall and decided to make sliding shutter style windows on the wall. It is argued, however,the part coloured white is the shutter which made look lighter than it should be in the photo by overexposure. The restoration plan made by Fukuoka City has failed to catch the characters and values Fukuoka castle gates. In addition, it also points out that the restoration plan has made a mistake to make the passage of the second floor not passable. Prof Senda Yoshihiro explained the case that the Repair of various historical ruins,Monuments,rebuilding construction did not correct,therfor People did not correctly understand the history. For instance, Yamanaka jyo castle,Hachiouji jyo castle, and an Ozu castle, etc. Next Report is the discussion, the questionnaire and historical materials,Itami-Shiryo's introduction. The number of the cannon, the gun, and arms in the Fukuoka-jyo-castle is written in the introduced historical materials.
高野 信治
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.13, pp.27-49, 2007

Natural disaster such as a drought or a heavy rain destroys environment of a farm village. On this account farmers poor economically increase and they throw away the cultivated land and come to run away from a farm village. Decrease of farming population becomes a big burden for daimyo finance. Quantity of agricultural production decreases, and the yield of taxes to the government decreases. The government carries out a policy to relieve a poor farmer. For example, the government provides it with food and money for relief for a farmer temporarily. However, a farmer is not satisfied with a relief system of the temporariness when the government performs it. The relief system that the government holds protects a rich farmer. However, a relief measure is insufficient for a very poor farmer. In other words this relief measure is unequal. On this account a phenomenon that a farmer runs away from a farm village is not finished. Because they think unless enough relief is taken. However, the government must stop such an economic vicious circle. The government takes new means. It is a policy to give new people the abandoned cultivated land. They did work looked down upon and lived a poor life. It is work considered to be vulgar processes the body, and to make Japanese sandals. The people who had been discriminated against got the cultivated land and got possible to earn a stable income. It was the thing that was epoch-making for their history that had own cultivated land. Because they did not have means of main production till now. This is the original policy that is not examined in daimyo territory nearby. However, the people continued discriminating against them even if some their life became rich. Rather I can point out that a discrirr}inatien pollcy was strengthened socially more in the latter half of the Edo era. Social discrimination is not broken off by the economic richness.
高橋 憲一
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.14, pp.23-32, 2008

Today scientists, in their research, are not or less concerned with religious belief. But today's common senseis not simply true for those who were engaged in scientific research at the early phase of the Scientific Revolution. Especially as for the motives of their study of the universe, we can detect religious motives and their reflections in their theoretical contents. In this essay the author takes up representative cases -- Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler and Galileo -- and tries to investigate relationships between their theoretical setups and the creation doctrine of the Bible. For all of them it was, so to speak, the major premise that the universe was a work of God the creator. Consequently the scientific personality of each scientist may be clarified by looking at where to find God's hands of creation in this universe, or in other wordsm, at what aspect of God's attributions was to be emphasized: for instance, His beauty, infinity, trinity, or His mathematical intellect.
賈 瑞晨 佐藤 廉也 縄田 浩志 松永 光平 劉 国彬 張 文輝 山中 典和
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.17, pp.17-35, 2011

田中 由利子
no.31, pp.43-58, 2011

The term "Furegashira" was introduced by studies on the control of the furegashira(触頭):a shrine appointed as a head of the Shinto priest organizations which were under the control of a particular feudal clan(藩) during the pre-modern period. The purpose of this study is to examine how a Shinto shrine with a lower rank was able to control other shrines with higher ranks. In this paper, I closely examined the dispatch of the imperial messengers, or Hōheishi-hakken(奉幣使発遣), to Kashii shrine in the Fukuoka domain, which happened three times—1744, 1804, and 1864—throughout the pre-modern period. In previous studies, furegashira were often venerable Shinto shrines with a long history and a high, or the highest, ranking status. However, Sakurai shrine in the Fukuoka domain had a short history and a low status, yet it was appointed to become furegashira by the second feudal lord of the Fukuoka domain, KURODA Tadayuki. It is believed his unwavering faith in the Sakurai Shrine is what lead to its granting of this status. The Sakurai shrine faced difficulties in controlling the other smaller and medium sized shrines of varying statuses, and those with higher status showed hesitation to obey the furegashira(Sakurai shrine's) commands. When the first Imperial messenger was sent, on the surface, the other Shinto priests and Ujiko(氏子), (local residents who worship the same guardian deity) seemed to recognize Sakurai shrine's new status of furegashira. In reality, however, they completely ignored this fact. It was after the visit of the second Imperial messenger that Sakurai shrine's status of furegashira was finally recognized by other Shinto priests. In can be said, therefore, that the Imperial messengers had a significant influence on the ability of Sakurai shrine furegashira to gain control over other shrines of the Fukuoka feudal clan, as well as the furegashira of Yoshidake-honjo(吉田家本所, the head of the Shinto school).
Wolanski Bartosz
vol.34, pp.67-78, 2013-09-09

狩野 彰宏 Kano Akihiro
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.19, pp.11-18, 2013

Collaboration between Earth and Historical Sciences is a promising approach to understand climatic influences to human society. High-resolution paleoclimatic records of late Holocene allow correlation with the historical records. A recent study on lacustrine sediments suggested coincidence between cooling events and collapse of the Chinese dynasties, such as Shang, Han, and Tang. However, this suggestion is inconsistent with statistic data examination of historical meteorology. More reliable paleoclimatic researches have focused on a short cold periods of 17th and 18th centuries, so-called Little Ice Age that is closely associated with the weakened solar activity during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715). The frozen Dokai Bay in 1684 is an example of the cooling events, which was described in northern Kyushu.
山下 潤
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.16, pp.1-6, 2010

1990年代以降EU諸国は地域レベルでの持続的発展を促すための政策に補助金を支給している。このような補助金の一つに、スウェーデン政府による二酸化炭素排出と失業率の減少を目的としたLIP(地域投資事業)がある。本研究は、LIPとそれ以外の温暖化防止政策によってもたらされたLIP実施・未実施自治体への影響の差異を明らかにすることを目的とした。結果として、これらの政策によってもたらせた影響がLIP実施・未実施自治体間で差がないことを明らかにした。さらに第二次産業の割合の増大と地域熱供給システムによる最終エネルギーの供給量の増加がCOzの排出増加をもたらしたことも明らかにした。Some EU countries have introduced subsidies into policy measures for enhancing sustainable development at regional and local levels since 1990s. As one of these subsidies, Swedish government implemented LIP (Local Investment Programme) for reducing carbon dioxide emission and unemployment rate. The present study addressed differences in effects brought by LIP and other anti-global warming measures among municipalities. Results derived from statistical tests showed no difference in effects caused by LIP between LIP and non-LIP municipalities. The results of the application of multi-regression analysis also indicated that the increasing rate of manufacture and the increasing volume of energy produced by district heating systems brought increase in the carbon dioxide emission.