安部 惠子
プ-ル学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
no.48, pp.31-45, 2008

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence that a contact surface of foot sole in the childhood gives an athletic capability and a physical characteristic. The result is as follows.It developed that a child of a concave type was superior in instantaneous power and agility, and was shown the boys who had a center of gravity backward was inferior in instantaneous power, agility and stamina. In addition, it developed that the child who was a flatfoot and a center of gravity backward had high form index readings.In conclusion, it developed that contact surface of foot sole in the childhood has strong connection with an athletic capability and a physical characteristic. Results suggest that the periodical photography of the contact surface of foot sole image may become the one of important documents for healthy evaluation.


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