伯野 元彦
no.19, pp.55-58, 2006-11

The district court decided that Shika atomic power plant must be stopped to operate. The outline of the main reason of the decision is as follows: The simulated earthquake ground motions used in the earthquake resistant design of power plants, are based on the empirical formulas such as Kanai formula (1966) and Osaki spectrum formula (1978). A little stronger acceleration than the ground motion for the earthquake resistant design was observed at Onagawa atomic power plant of Tohoku electric power Co. Therefore, more acceleration of the earthquake than the assumed earthquake motion for the design possibly attack the Shika power plants as well as the Onagawa and the Shika would be collapsed. However, the judgment underestimates the safety margin of the power plant.


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こんな論文どうですか? 16. 志賀原発差し止め判決への疑問(F.一般セッション,一般論文発表)(伯野 元彦),2006 https://t.co/IfcAgORMCZ
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こんな論文どうですか? 16. 志賀原発差し止め判決への疑問(F.一般セッション,一般論文発表)(伯野 元彦),2006 https://t.co/IfcAgORMCZ

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