伯野 元彦
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.16, no.5, pp.5_177-5_182, 2016

近い将来、関東南部に、M7クラスの直下地震が予想され、特に都心にひどい被害を与える仮想の地震、都心南部直下地震を想定し、その被害が内閣府によって発表された。それによると、都心の一部は、震度7, 6強という激しい揺れに襲われ、山手線の外側ドーナツ状地域の北側半分は老朽木造家屋密集地のため、倒壊、火災が多く、火災による死者は16000人に達し、家屋倒壊などによるものを含めると全体としての死者は23000人となるという。そして地震翌日でも、帰宅困難者は800万人にのぼり、交通は新幹線、地下鉄が1週間、JR在来線、私鉄が1か月ストップと大変な被害となる。一方、2020年には東京オリンピックが開かれるが、この開催中に地震が起こっても外国人観光客の安全を特に考えなければならない。また、開催の3年前より後に起こると、オリンピックの開催そのものが地震災害のため不可能となるのではないかと心配される。地震慣れした日本人すら23000人も死ぬのである。地震の経験のない外国人観光客の安全を図るには大いに頑張らなければならない。
伯野 元彦
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.16, no.5, pp.5_177-5_182, 2016 (Released:2016-04-25)

近い将来、関東南部に、M7クラスの直下地震が予想され、特に都心にひどい被害を与える仮想の地震、都心南部直下地震を想定し、その被害が内閣府によって発表された。それによると、都心の一部は、震度7, 6強という激しい揺れに襲われ、山手線の外側ドーナツ状地域の北側半分は老朽木造家屋密集地のため、倒壊、火災が多く、火災による死者は16000人に達し、家屋倒壊などによるものを含めると全体としての死者は23000人となるという。そして地震翌日でも、帰宅困難者は800万人にのぼり、交通は新幹線、地下鉄が1週間、JR在来線、私鉄が1か月ストップと大変な被害となる。一方、2020年には東京オリンピックが開かれるが、この開催中に地震が起こっても外国人観光客の安全を特に考えなければならない。また、開催の3年前より後に起こると、オリンピックの開催そのものが地震災害のため不可能となるのではないかと心配される。地震慣れした日本人すら23000人も死ぬのである。地震の経験のない外国人観光客の安全を図るには大いに頑張らなければならない。
伯野 元彦
no.19, pp.55-58, 2006-11

The district court decided that Shika atomic power plant must be stopped to operate. The outline of the main reason of the decision is as follows: The simulated earthquake ground motions used in the earthquake resistant design of power plants, are based on the empirical formulas such as Kanai formula (1966) and Osaki spectrum formula (1978). A little stronger acceleration than the ground motion for the earthquake resistant design was observed at Onagawa atomic power plant of Tohoku electric power Co. Therefore, more acceleration of the earthquake than the assumed earthquake motion for the design possibly attack the Shika power plants as well as the Onagawa and the Shika would be collapsed. However, the judgment underestimates the safety margin of the power plant.
伯野 元彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.115, no.4, pp.466-469, 2006-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Recent earthquake damage in Japan has the following features. 1) Damage is not proportional to the recorded acceleration of earthquake. 2) Damage on the soft ground is severer. 3) Most of damage comes from the collapse of old wooden houses. 4) 40% of fires after earthquake are related to electricity.
伯野 元彦 大草 垂康 道上 正規 Hakuno Motohiko Okusa Sigeyasu Michiue Masanori
新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報 (ISSN:03877892)
vol.10, pp.35-50, 1988-12

At 20:57 and 23:09 local time on the 5 March 1987 locally destructive earthquakes of Ms=6.1 and 6.9 shocked the northeastern part of Ecuador. The name Ecuador means the equator in Spanish, and Quito, the capital of this country, is located just 15 km south of the equator. Ecuador is approximately the same size as Japan except for the island of Hokkaido, and its population is approximately 9.4 million. Lt was primarily an agricultural nation until petroleum was discovered in the western Amazon area in 1972. Even with the substantial reduction in the price of petroleum in 1986, 45% of its total exports constituted petroleum. At present, exports other than petroleum consist of agricultural products such as bananas and coffee. Because of damage to its petroleum pipeline, (a major source of the nation's wealth) caused by the many landslides that took place after the 5 March 1987 earthquakes, Ecuador now has an international debt of 9 billion dollars that is a serious burden on its economy. Structural damage done by the earthquake ground motion was slight because the events took place in a mountainous area 80 km east of the comparatively dense populated central basin. The major damage was from landslides and flooding. Flooding occurred several hours after the earthquakes following the collapse of natural dams formed by sliding rocks and soil that barricaded rivers. The Nagano Prefecture-Seibu earthquake of 1984 in Japan had damage characteristics similar to those seen in Ecuador. The number of dead and missing people resulting from the Ecuadorean earthquakes is estimated as being several hundred to several thousand. The Japanese government dispatched a team of three experts (one each from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Land Agency, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency) to Ecuador to do earthquake reconnaissance. Our group was sent independently by the Ministry of Education. Culture and Science to survey the damage done by these earthquakes and was at the site from April 23 to May 7. The earthquakes occurred along the west foot of the volcano named Reventador, 80 km east of Quito. Damage caused by the earthquake can be roughly divided into three categories. The first was damage to the oil pipeline and to roads by massive slope slides that occurred over an area several kilometers square on the slopes of Mt. Reventador, rather, than by the shocks of the earthquakes themselves. The second was damage to bridges and the oil pipelines produced by river flooding because of the breaking of natural dams that had formed from the influx of slide material from the volcano's slope. The third was the collapse of houses caused by ground motion. We could not reach the area where most of the serious slope slides occurred using surface transportation because of the severe damage to roads and bridges. Therefore, we made our survey by helicopter The survey of damage to houses was made by truck because inhabited areas were not close to the area of severe slides and were accessible by truck.
目黒 公郎 伯野 元彦
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.4, pp.p409-468, 1989-03
5 17

本研究は,非連続体解析法を用いたコンクリートの破壊解析手法を,提案するものである.従来,コンクリートの破壊解析は,主として媒質を均質な連続体と近似して取扱う,有限要素法(FEM)や境界要素法(BEM)などの連続体解析法を用いて行われてきた.しかし,これらの手法は,解析対象物に破壊が発生するまでの解析を主眼とするものであり,破壊発生後の挙動や大変形問題等の解析には,多くの困難を伴う.また,コンクリートの媒質は鋼などに比べて不均質であり,骨材とモルタルという物性の違う物質から成る混合体である.破壊の強度や形状は,コンクリート中の骨材の強度や粒度,その量や分布の影響を受け,更にモルタルの性質によって変化する.媒質を均質な弾性体と近似して取り扱う従来の連続体解析法を用いて,これらの現象をうまく説明することは困難である.これらの現象をうまく表現できる解析手法を提案することは,現在のコンクリートの破壊解析における,1つの大きな課題であると考えられる.ところで最近,電子計算機の計算速度の高速化と記憶容量の巨大化を背景として,解析対象物の媒質を小要素の集合体として取扱う非連続体解析法が,盛んに行なわれるようになってきた.この手法の一つに,Cundallによる個別要素法(Distinct ElementMethod, DEM)があり,先駆的なものとして知られている.しかし,主として土(地盤,石,岩盤を含む)を対象として進められてきた従来のDEM理論では,コンクリートの挙動をうまく表現する事は難しかった.それは従来のDEMでは,骨材をとり囲むモルタルの効果が考慮されていなかったからである.DEM解析において,要素の間隙を埋める物質の力学的モデル化についての研究は,間隙水の効果に関する研究,間隙の粘性土に関する研究等があるが,これらは,モルタルの挙動を表現するモデルとしては適当ではない.そこで本研究では,コンクリートにも対応できる非連続体解析手法として,改良個別要素法(Modified Distinct Element Method, MDEM)を開発し,実際にコンクリートの破壊解析に適用した.MDEMにおいてコンクリート中の粗骨材は円形要素として,モルタルは非線形なバネとして,それぞれ表現した.MDEMでは,媒質を独立した小要素の集合体と考えるので,材料の不均一性も要素のばらつきという形で考慮できる.MDEMは,大変形問題や破壊発生までの解析に加えて,破壊の進行過程までの一連の解析が可能であり,連続体解析法の欠点を補える.また,滑り面の形成やダイレタンシーの効果等が自然と表現される特徴を持つ.更に,巨視的な観点からの破壊モードの解析に加え,個々の骨材間の微視的破壊のメカニズムまで追跡することができる等の点で優れている.ケース・スタディーとして,コンクリート供試体を用いた破壊試験のシミュレーションと,コンクリート構造物の動的破壊解析を行なった.解析結果は,従来の室内実験結果,あるいは地震被害と調和的なものであり,またMDEMならではの見解も得られた.これらの結果から,改良個別要素法(MDEM)が,コンクリートの破壊解析法として有効である事が確認された.A new fracture analysis method of concrete structures is proposed in which concrete is considered a granular assembly. A number of fracture analyses of concrete structures have been made by the finite element method (FFM) in which concrete has been considered a homogeneous and continuous material. But concrete is a complex and extremely heterogeneneous material, it is difficult to analyze its fracture properties by using FEM. On the other hand, the distinct element method (DEM), in which medium has been treated as an aggregation of individuall small elements, has been studied in geotechnical engineering. But the conventional DEM is hardly applicable to the concrete structures because the effect of mortar surrounding gravels has not been considered in this method. We have developed a modified distinct element method (MDEM), and have applied it newly to fracture problems of concrete structures which had not been solved by the conventional DEM. In MDEM, two major constituents of concrete, gravels and mortar, are represented respectively as circular particle elements and nonlinear springs. The heterogeneity of material can be taken into consideration as dispersion of particle elements. This method, MDEM, can follow the total fracture process even after discontinuity of the medium occurs. Nonlinear phenomena such as shear band and the influence of dilatancy are simulated automatically. Not only the overall mode of fracture but also the microscopic fracture mechanism of individual elements are obtained. This newly proposed method, MDEM, is applied to simulate the dynamic fracture behaviors of concrete structures. Numerical results obtained in this study agree well with laboratory tests as well as seismic damages observed during past earthquakes.
伯野 元彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1287-1294, 1971-02-27

The following features are pointed out concerning the damage of structures by the recent Sept. 9, 1969 earthquake in the Gifu Prefecture in Japan. i)It is supposed that the acceleration of the ground motion is more than 350 gals, due to the behavior of gravestones, however, the damage of structures is not so severe. The reason might be the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake is in the mountainous region, so the frequency content of the ground motion concentrations in a higher frequency domain. ii)The damage of the following structures are severe, A)Road, highway going through the slope of mountains, B)Masonry retaining wall, C)Failure of the forest area, iii) Almost no damage was found in Wooden Houses.
伯野 元彦 大谷 圭一
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.3, pp.581-608, 1983-01-17

The Urakawa-Oki earthquake of M=7.1 occurred on March 21, 1982 and consequently cause some damage to small towns in the south part of Hokkaido. This report describes the earthquake-induced damage to the various types of structures and life lines: Houses and buildings, Roads, Railways. Water supply systems, Electric power and communication systems, Landslides and land failures. The following characteristic features of the damage due to the earthquake are recognized, 1. Wooden houses on soft peat ground suffered damage owing to the destruction of the peat ground itself. On the other hand, reinforced concrete buildings on soft peat ground always have a deep pile foundation and suffered almost no damage. Authors suppose the peat layer to be so soft that it acts like a high cut filter and high frequency components of the incident ground motion which are the main components of high acceleration, is reduced. 2. Most lifeline systems such as water, electric supply systems, and traffic, lost their functions due to the earthquake, and people were subjected to inconveniences. For example, it took 30 days to rehabilitate the railway traffic in this area.

1 0 0 0 OA 1本鉄筋のRC柱

伯野 元彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
地震工学研究発表会 報告集 (ISSN:18848451)
vol.28, pp.228-228, 2005 (Released:2010-07-30)

今回のスマトラ島沖地震による大津波は、30万人もの死者、行方不明者を出したが、ビデオカメラの普及によって、多くの動画が記録されたことでも特筆すべき災害であった. この多くのビデオ映像からわかった事は、津浪は普通の海の波ではなく、波長が長いため洪水と見たほうが正確であるという事である. 津浪は波の頂上が何時までも続き、水そのものが洪水のようにかなりの流速で流れる. したがって、50cmの津浪でも人は生き残れない. 海岸で強震を感じたら、津浪警報を待つまでもなく、近くの高台か何かに避難すべきなのだが、鉄筋ビルは避難先の候補になりうるのかどうか.
伯野 元彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
地震工学論文集 (ISSN:1884846X)
vol.29, pp.1002-1006, 2007

志賀原発2号機は、昨年3月耐震設計に想定された、最大地震加速度を超えるような地震動が起こるかもしれないので、その運転を差し止めるように命じられた。ただ、この判決の元になっているのは、設計のための最大加速度を超えると直ちに危険であるという考え方である。実際の構造物は少しくらい超えても壊れはしない。多度津の大振動台での耐震壁の実験では、加振最大加速度の10倍くらいまで終局状態にはならなかった。また、今回の能登半島地震では、想定の地震より大きいM6.9 であり、17kmの近距離であったが、全く何の被害も生じなかった。
伯野 元彦
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1287-1294, 1971-02-27

The following features are pointed out concerning the damage of structures by the recent Sept. 9, 1969 earthquake in the Gifu Prefecture in Japan. i)It is supposed that the acceleration of the ground motion is more than 350 gals, due to the behavior of gravestones, however, the damage of structures is not so severe. The reason might be the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake is in the mountainous region, so the frequency content of the ground motion concentrations in a higher frequency domain. ii)The damage of the following structures are severe, A)Road, highway going through the slope of mountains, B)Masonry retaining wall, C)Failure of the forest area, iii) Almost no damage was found in Wooden Houses.
伯野 元彦
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1287-1294,図6p, 1970-11

The following features are pointed out concerning the damage of structures by the recent Sept. 9, 1969 earthquake in the Gifu Prefecture in Japan. i)It is supposed that the acceleration of the ground motion is more than 350 gals, due to the behavior of gravestones, however, the damage of structures is not so severe. The reason might be the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake is in the mountainous region, so the frequency content of the ground motion concentrations in a higher frequency domain. ii)The damage of the following structures are severe, A)Road, highway going through the slope of mountains, B)Masonry retaining wall, C)Failure of the forest area, iii) Almost no damage was found in Wooden Houses.
伯野 元彦 大谷 圭一
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.3, pp.581-608, 1983-01-17

The Urakawa-Oki earthquake of M=7.1 occurred on March 21, 1982 and consequently cause some damage to small towns in the south part of Hokkaido. This report describes the earthquake-induced damage to the various types of structures and life lines: Houses and buildings, Roads, Railways. Water supply systems, Electric power and communication systems, Landslides and land failures. The following characteristic features of the damage due to the earthquake are recognized, 1. Wooden houses on soft peat ground suffered damage owing to the destruction of the peat ground itself. On the other hand, reinforced concrete buildings on soft peat ground always have a deep pile foundation and suffered almost no damage. Authors suppose the peat layer to be so soft that it acts like a high cut filter and high frequency components of the incident ground motion which are the main components of high acceleration, is reduced. 2. Most lifeline systems such as water, electric supply systems, and traffic, lost their functions due to the earthquake, and people were subjected to inconveniences. For example, it took 30 days to rehabilitate the railway traffic in this area.
伯野 元彦 鈴木 崇伸

垂水 祐二 伯野 元彦
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.62, no.4, pp.p535-577, 1988-03

土とか岩は,砂粒とか土粒子でできていたり,多くの割れ目があったりで,本質的には連続体ではない.勿論,通常の問題では,大変形が生じる訳ではないので,連続体としての解析で何ら支障はないのであるが,土砂崩壊とか液状化とか,大変形時には無理がある.非連続体の解析手法としては,現在までのところ,有限要素法に滑り要素を導入したものや,有限要素法を多少変えた川井のRBSM法(Rigid Body Spring Method),CundallのDEM法(Distinct Element Method)がある.どの手法にも一長一短があるが,有限要素法の流れを汲む前二者では,要素の辺に沿って滑る変形しかできないし,隣り合う要素と要素が離れてしまうなどということもできない.それは,要素の格子点は,隣り合う多くの要素に共有されているので,要素と要素が離れてしまい,今まで1つであった格子点が複数にならなければならないが,それが,全く不可能ではないにせよ,かなり面倒なのである.ところが,実際の現象では,岩石の崩壊の際には,岩塊と岩塊は離れるばかりでなく空中を飛ぶことだってある.一方CundallのDEM法は,要素は元々,バラバラのものとしての取り扱いである.そのバラバラの独立した要素一つ一つについて運動方程式をたてる.したがって,岩石が崩壊する時,岩塊同志が衝突したり,跳んだり,転がったりすることも可能である.現在まで,このDEM法による粒状体シミューショシは,粒体間の間隙に水が飽和している場合については,殆んど行われていなかったので,筆者らは,二次元粒体に水圧を考慮する事によって,地震時の砂の液状化と,大雨の場合の間隙水圧上昇によるQuick Sand現象をこの粒状体シミュレーションで解析することを試みた.そして,或る程度の成功を得た.しかしながら,粒径が砂のように小さくなり,間隙水の体積弾性率の大きい影響で,P波の伝播速度が大きくなり,その結果,計算の安定のため,計算時間刻みを100万分の1秒のように小さくとらねばならず,解析粒数を200個強しかとれなかった.実際の液状化を詳細に模擬するには,3次元解析か必要であり,これは,将来の計算機の高速化をまたねばならない.Various kinds of liquefaction analysis have been carried out in laboratory experiments and using the Finite Element Method (FEM). But, no numerical liquefaction analysis in which sand has been considered a non continuous material has yet been reported. In 1971, the Distinct Element Method (DEM) was introduced by Cundall; a numerical simulation used to analize the behavior of rock, based on the assumption that each individual rock element satisfies the equation of motion. We have developed a modified DEM using Darcy's law that takes into account the pore water pressure. We analyzed the liquefaction of saturated sand under seismic excitation and also the quick sand phenomenon due to water pressure. The assembly model consists of circular elements with log-normal distributed radii, and it is packed by dropping. We used the nonlinear spring in the normal direction between particles in order to express the "Dilatancy" in two dimensional treatment. The excessive pore pressure of the numerical result rose gradually due to the shaking effect. This result agreed with the results of the past laboratory tests. However, the contact of the neighboring particles was not easy to hide even under the high pore pressure, and resultantly, a complete liquefaction phenomenon could not be realized. The complete liquefaction can be analyzed only by the three dimensional analysis or a forced strain input. However, it needs much more computing time, and we have to wait for an advanced and faster computors. We also made the quick sand phenomenon occurr in the model assembly by applying the uplifting water pressure at the bottom of the assembly. A time history of the excessive pore water peressure was also obtained at the point near the bottom or the surface of the assembly.