大貫 啓行
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.13, no.1, pp.69-81, 2005

Despite the failure of communist party rule in the Soviet block countries around 1990, the People's Republic of China has remained a socialist dictatorial country under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party. They have already started dealing in stocks and the market is very active generally. The Chinese presently seem to enjoy a capitalistic money oriented life. As far as money is concerned, they are as free as in capitalist countries. However, in the political field, they are strictry controlled. They have no right to vote and if they try to organize new parties, they are arrested immediately. There have been major changes in the quality of both the State and Society of the People's Republic of China. Focusing on several aspects of present Chinese society, I will try to identify the direction of the change. Part 3 covers the first 2 years of Hu Jin-Tao, as the general secretary after Jiang Ze-Min. Leader of the fourth generation, fully educated under the comunist system. He must fight with several CHAOS planted in the present system. Biggest of them seems to be the rapidly widening differences in every aspect of Chinese society. His generation will decide the fate of the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.


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こんな論文どうですか? 中国における国家と社会の変質の方向に関する考察〜その3 : 胡錦濤(党総書記・国家主席・中央軍委主席)を中心とした第4世代の特徴(大貫 啓行),2005 http://t.co/MAiXplgX

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