望月 由起
進路指導研究 : 日本進路指導学会研究紀要 : bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (ISSN:13433768)
vol.22, no.2, pp.1-9, 2004-06-30

Inquiring the development of students' educational career maturity through career guidance activities at a prep school, following results were obtained. In April, the level of girls' educational career maturity was generally higher than that of boys', and its level of the science course applicants was higher than that of the humanity course applicants. But, the difference by the scholarship level of them wasn't shown. In this prep school, career guidance activities were organized in three different directions: "university and job experience", "cooperation with parents", and "higher academic level". Regardless of the types of career guidance, almost all students showed higher educational career maturity in December. Especially "university and job experience" guidance proved effective, regardless of sex and academic record of the students. But "higher academic level" guidance did not prove effective in the degree of concern.


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浪人生の教育的進路成熟に対する予備校の進路指導効果 http://t.co/D45VQSmU6u
内容に踏み込む場合も進路指導系が多いようだ。http://t.co/U9E8jiKmo1 教科教育はそもそも教社の領分じゃないだろうからしょうがないのだが。

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