唐澤 和義
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.54, pp.167-192, 1969-11

一. 社会体制論の有効性 : communityとassociationに関連して二. 政治体系論・政治体制論の諸説三. 正当性の背景 : ユートピア、イデオロギー、ビジョン1. Politics represents "authoritative allocation of scarce resources for a society." The appropriate maintenance of a total society requires authoritative allocation of scarce resources. Therefore it is necessary to organize this distribution. This organization is formed and executed by the social groups that make up the entire society. Conforming to their respective purpose, the organization and its norms give direction to society as a whole. Thus the relationship between social thought and social groups is extremely important for political sociologists. 2. The following theories concern interaction between an organization and its purpose. K. Marx pointed out an organization related to production as economic-social formation (okonomische gesellschaform). M. Duverger analysed the organization in the social situation. K. Loewenstein denned as the limit of effect about the organization, and classifed it through the rule. J. Watanuki regarded the organization as the political system which has coordinated function of both out-put and in-put. The connection of the purpose with the organization will manage to maintain itself in harmony with the total society. Namely this connection is systematized by the dominant purpose in the total society and the organized activity with some intention. The social regime has a character connected with the established purpose of the organization and which may be transformed into the different one when its effectiveness is lost by the change of the social situation. 3. Once they doubt the effectiveness of the social regime, then social groups with new purpose for maintaining society emerge. They attempt to obtain majority support, but are unable to organize and are inclined to lack the ability to execute their ideas. They end up as Utopian thinkers with the sole purpose and organization of social criticism alone. Ideology is the thought which would be supported by the majority in the total society and would form the organization of the new purpose into the different way and would clearly define a new organization more effectively than the former. When the new purpose of the organization is be dominant, it operates toward the self-preservation and maintenance of the total society. The self-preservation would adapt to the change of the social situation and develop flexibly the planning through the feedback which operates the organization. Vision is the thought which revises its purpose. The thought it-self would move the emphasis from future purpose to actual reform in accordance with the nature of it's thought. My subject of political sociology aims at the decision-making process which coordinates the connection of the purpose with the organization and the social situation.


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