石田 恵子
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.46, no.4, pp.431-459, 1975

論文序一 六世紀のアッティカ二 Kleisthenesと民衆の提携三 新部族制改革の内容 (一) 区 (a) 区 (b) 区とフラトリア (二) トリッテュス (三) 部族 (a) 新部族組織の特殊性 (b) 新部族組織の目的四 五百人評議会 (一) 評議会員の選出方法 (二) 評議会の権限五 Kleisthenesの「貴族政」六 五〇一/〇年の改革 (一) アルコン (二) 将軍 (a) 将軍と民衆 (b) 将軍と貴族結Kleisthenes has often regarded as a founder of Athenian Democracy. Some historians have suggested that he sought by his reforms to put an end to regional struggles and to give a blow to the noble forces. Therefore, in his reforms, the democratic side has a tendency to be emphasized. But, did he really intend to break down the noble forces? Surely, he turned to the demes in order to have their support. At first he reorganized the tribes and satisfied their prospect of local self-government in a deme-system. However, according to our evidence, he never touched the Phratries. In the demes, the Phratries and the tribes, he could ensure the excellent position to the nobility. Next, he established the new council of five hundred. Even in this, and then, in the Strategia, the nobility could control the real policy. It seems that Kleisthenes manipulated the demes and created his institution on the compromise with the nobility. In this way, although in the institution he gave equal political rights to all demes, in fact he did the nobility a special favor and ensured their traditional rights. Therefore, we must emphasize the aristocratic side in his reforms. Indeed the nobility was no longer the privileged class, but Athenian Democracy in the fifth century which was founded on by Kleisthenes, reminds us of the control by the nobiles in Rome.


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そもそも部族制って何ですか?? ○ 厳密に言えば違うのでしょうが、部族というのは、一族の連合体という認識で大丈夫です。 部族制とは、この部族が行政区を運営し、さらにそこからアテナイの議員を選出する体制のことです。 4部族制とは都市部に住む有力な部族がアテナイの政治を牛耳っていた状態の事です。 4部族制は実際にはよく分かっていないようですが、こんなもんだと想像されます。 ギリシアの ...

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