井上 亘
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
vol.1, pp.25-52, 1992-09

The Political power is organazed by the law, and diagramed by the rituaL The emperors, from TENMU to GENSYO, plotted to set up their long-term dynasty, by the law and ritual which were called"RITSURYO"and "MEIYAKU". I have illustrated this theory by taking the empress GENSYO admin量stration(715~724)as an example. For, that is described as a period of transition, starting from the reign of.TENMU and continuing through TENPYO period. And, it was"1皿perial demonstration to MINO"(717)that made the transition. There had ritual of obedience by eastern countries in FUWA and westerns in OUMI, that meant a re-act of "The coup d'6tats in the year of JINSHIN"(672). It led a solution to a problem between eastern(the winners of the coup d'6tats)and western(traditional aristocrat or Iocal governors),that was imposible to succeed but that the king of"JITO-descent"which was the posterity of TENCHI and TENMU did. But the death of FUJIWARA FUHITO who was promoter of RITSURYO systematization, and the ex.empress GENMYO, changed the balance of administration, which kept by them, so that GENSYO stood alone. Unfortunately, they had a bad drought. She did her duty, holding herself responsible, and this beauty empress gained public sentiment. This is the suitable attitude for the ruler of the RITSURYO states. After her reign, the factional strives and coup d'6tats had happened, by the lack of what the RITSURYO-states required.


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