今高 城治 塚田 佳子 藤澤 正英 宮本 健志 萩澤 進 山内 秀雄 平尾 準一 有阪 治 George Imataka Keiko Tsukada Masahide Fujisawa Kenji Miyamoto Susumu Hagiwara Hideo Yamanouchi Jun-ichi Hirano Osamu Arisaka 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 獨協医科大学小児科学 Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Dokkyo journal of medical sciences (ISSN:03855023)
vol.36, no.3, pp.161-165, 2009-10-25

当院で臨床的に脳死状態と判定してから長期間の入院経過をたどった3小児例を報告した.脳死判定の基準は,平成11年度・厚生省「小児における脳死判定基準」を参考とした.国内の小児脳死症例調査の蓄積は十分ではないが,小児の脳死では長期間の経過をたどる例が多く問題視されている.現在,当院の小児病棟には,長期の臨床的脳死児を管理するための終末期医療に適した病床環境がなく,一般の急性期入院児と同室で長期脳死児の管理を行っている.当院の小児病棟に終末期ケアの可能なベッドが一日でも早く確保されることが望まれる.We herein report three pediatric cases that stayed at ourhospital for a long period of time after they were determinedto be clinically brain death. The "Criteria for the diagnosisof brain death in children" issued by the Ministry ofWelfare in 1999 was referred to for determining braindeath. Although a sufficient number of pediatric cases ofbrain death in Japan has not yet been accumulated, one ofthe problems has been that many pediatric cases of braindeath involve a long-term course. The pediatric ward ofour hospital currently does not have an environment suitablefor end-of-life care to manage pediatric cases sufferingfrom long-term clinical brain death, so child patients withlong-term brain death are currently being managed togetherwith general pediatric cases of acute-phase hospitalization.It is hoped that terminal-phase beds that enable longtermtreatment and management will be secured in thepediatric ward of our hospital as soon as possible.


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小児長期脳死の3例 獨協医科大学 小児科学 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/els/contentscinii_20180330100722.pdf?id=ART0009433716

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小児長期脳死の3例 獨協医科大学 小児科学 https://t.co/Baycpe9ieG

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