Our objective in this study was to learn current conditions of physical exertion and fitness of performance of young people who will be reaching late twenties in 2020 or later and thus we looked at the relationship between cardiorespiratory endurance and amounts of physical exertion. [Subject]:Sixteen (16) subjects were randomly selected from seventy eight (78) healthy male students. [method]:As for examination methods, maximum oxygen consumption was measured using cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) and a pedometer with accelerometer was employed to measure total energy expenditure (TEE). [Result]:Results showed that maximum oxygen consumption was significantly lower than the average value of results taken ten years earlier. Also it was confirmed that the maximum oxygen consumption has strong direct correlation with total energy expenditure (TEE). [conclusion]: This study points to a trend that decreased cardiorespiratory endurance among the current young people is deeply related, more so than other generations, to decreased amounts of daily physical exertion.
Relationship between cardiorespiratory endurance and
amounts of physical exertion of young people
and its current trend