植村 善博
文学部論集 (ISSN:09189416)
no.92, pp.29-43, 2008-03

"Gravel bar and Inner-bank pond called Oppori in Japanese are important flood landforms for research of alluvial plain and prevention of disasters of the Kizu and Uji Rivers, because they are indicators of the point of bank breaking and historical flooding. The author studies their location, present land use, origin and relationship between landforms and flooding. Inner-bank ponds had been about eighty during the past one hundred years, but are only three in April 2007, because of decrease by reclamation. Gravel bar were formed by debris flow or sandy mud flow, and are classified into A, B and C types in descending orders from their freshness and land use. Relationship between gravel bar, inner-bank pond and historical flooding in Seikacho, Kyotanabe City and Uji City were made clear since the eighteenth century. "gravel barinner-bank pondflood landformKizu and Uji Rivers


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CiNii 論文 -  京都盆地南部、木津川・宇治川の水害地形 https://t.co/l8cJ9wiQu3

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