西村 清和
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.60, no.1, pp.2-15, 2009

Ruins are places in which memories have been accumulated. For understanding the aesthetic phenomenon of ruins, we must make it clear what places really are. M. de Certeau considers a place as a configuration of the elements distributed within the relations of coexistence and a space as a crossing of historical subjects and 'a practiced place'. This conception of place is close to Gibson's 'ground theory' of space perception. The environment we perceive is, first of all, not an empty space but a place as a surface of the earth on which we are standing. The perception of the environment as the persisting structure of surfaces accompanies the perception of an instantaneous self, including the head, body, arms, and hands. And the nonperceptual awareness such as memory or expectation is made possible by the fact that the concurrent perception of the persistence of place and that of the change of a moving self are concurrent. Memory and expectation open a space of history. Yet the space turns back to the persisting place of a ruin when the history has come to be forgotten. The poetics of ruins consists not in retelling a history but in the awareness of the persistent linkage between us and the past.


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「場所の記憶と廃墟」http://t.co/wAG9tumk 後期ハイデガーの「ピュシス」へと還元される地続きとなった空間‐場所ではなく、ド・セルトーやギブソンのように還元不可能な個人的な知覚や記憶から出発し、空間と場所を互いに異なる力学として解釈、個と場所との交感を語る詩学へ。
http://t.co/iRCdHoZ2 ちょいちょい意味不明な単語出てくるけど、その意味不明な単語を理解できるようになったら楽しげなヤツだろうなと思う。
つぶやきとしての「廃墟の物語」。「空間」とは異なる「場所」というコンセプト - 「場所の記憶と廃墟」西村清和『場所の記憶と廃墟』西村清和 http://t.co/UWQmpS1T #memory #place #ruins #aesthetic
つぶやきとしての「廃墟の物語」。「空間」とは異なる「場所」というコンセプト - 「場所の記憶と廃墟」西村清和 - 美學第60巻1号 http://t.co/ESGy2JOO
つぶやきとしての「廃墟の物語」。「空間」とは異なる「場所」というコンセプト - 「場所の記憶と廃墟」西村清和 - 美學第60巻1号 http://t.co/ESGy2JOO

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