吾田 富士子
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.49, pp.77-84, 2012-03-31

The childcare facilities in Japan tend to be very noisy as there is no standard regarding noise in the facilities. In addition, although there is a standard minimum area for each child, the student numbers are often above the set limit due to the need for temporary childcare and to reduce the number of children on waiting-lists. The children,therefore, cannot choose the sounds surrounding them. The childcare staff should be aware of the noise level surrounding the children as an aspect of the childcare environment. Further, the childcare staff should undertake structural improvements to the building if noise levels cannot be reduced in the facilities via changes to the childcare method. From the study of nursery schools in which noise levels were reduced using sound absorbing material at the suggestion of the childcare staff, we were able to clarify that a major problem is the improvement in the noise awareness of the childcare staff with a little childcare experience. It is thought that the key to solving this problem lies in the training of childcare staff.


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CiNii 論文 -  保育の音環境と保育の質 : 保育者の気付きから吸音材使用に取り組んだ園の音調査から https://t.co/Fq7MbwWBnQ #CiNii 保育園の音の問題はこちらが参考になります #保育 音環境についてもきちんとした基準を求めます
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CiNii 論文 -  保育の音環境と保育の質 : 保育者の気付きから吸音材使用に取り組んだ園の音調査から https://t.co/Fq7MbwWBnQ #CiNii 保育園の音の問題はこちらが参考になります #保育
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