鉢呂 光恵 Mitsue HACHIRO 藤女子大学人間生活学部保育学科
藤女子大学紀要. 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.49, pp.185-193, 2012-03-31

Sherrie Levine is one of the most well-known postmodernism artists in the United States. In 1981, Levine rephotographed the photos of "Allie Mae Burroughs" (1936) by Walker Evans. This work, "After Walker Evans" (1981) brings out the "difference" of 45 years as presented by the "differences" in images between Evans's photographs and her own. Reproduction techniques were widespread in the 1980s, and Levine turned her cool gaze on the "real" world to produce simulation works that instantly change like a television screen. This "After Walker Evans" series drew considerable attention from critics. Through her works, Levine has added another aspect to the diversity of Contemporary art.
出口 拓彦
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.44, pp.45-51, 2007-03-31

後藤 昌彦
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.48, pp.149-157, 2011-03

The one of the principles of the Public Assistance Act is the supplementary nature of welfare (Public Assistance Act, Article 4). "Duty of kinship support," in terms of the receipt of public assistance, was established (National Assistance Act Article 4 Clause 2) on the assumption that "any support given by a person responsible for support prescribed by the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) and any assistance prescribed by any other Act shall be provided in precedence to public assistance under this Act". Today's applicants for welfare face greatly changed conditions in terms of duty of kinship support, and family social and economic environment to when the Public Assistance Act was enacted in 1950. Nevertheless, administrative guidance for the enforcement of the duty of kinship support for the receipt of welfare dates from that time. However, 60 years have now passed since the enactment of the Public Assistance Act and, due to the conditions imposed by the duty of kinship support for the receipt of welfare, the welfare administrators faces various problems and various difficulties arise in their response to welfare applicants. In this study I discuss the deficiency in the supplementary nature of welfare in duty of kinship support from three standpoints: 1) changes in family structure, 2) changes in the public attitude to kinship support and 3) the obsolete nature of the welfare office's handling of the duty of kinship support. As a result, in order to adapt to today's family situation and public awareness, I emphasize the necessity of changing of the notion "duty of kinship support" to that of" duty of life preservation" when dealing with the receipt of welfare.
葛西 隆則 山村 主香
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.46, pp.19-34, 2009-03-31
菊地 和美 市川 晶子 尾澤 典子
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.49, pp.45-49, 2012-03-31

本研究は、北海道産にしんみその調理科学的特性を明らかにし、にしんみそを北海道食材や大学生対象の調理実習ならびに二次加工品への応用を検討することを目的とした。1 色調は、にしんみそに調味料を添加することによって、明るさを示す明度が高くなった。2 にしんみその粘度は、25℃において1220〜1550mPa.sを示していた。3 官能検査の結果、評点はにしんみそペーストでは味、にしんみそディップでは総合評価が高くなった。官能検査結果より、いずれの項目においてもプラスの評点を示し、にしんみそを用いた展開が可能であることが示唆された。4大学生が「使いたい」と思うにしんみその応用例では、焼きおにぎり、石狩鍋、野菜スティックのみそなどが挙げられていた。5 大学生が考案したにしんみそを用いたレシピでは、にしんジャージャー麺、にしん梅そぼろそば、にしんマフィンや蒸しパンなどが挙げられていた。
吾田 富士子
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.49, pp.77-84, 2012-03-31

The childcare facilities in Japan tend to be very noisy as there is no standard regarding noise in the facilities. In addition, although there is a standard minimum area for each child, the student numbers are often above the set limit due to the need for temporary childcare and to reduce the number of children on waiting-lists. The children,therefore, cannot choose the sounds surrounding them. The childcare staff should be aware of the noise level surrounding the children as an aspect of the childcare environment. Further, the childcare staff should undertake structural improvements to the building if noise levels cannot be reduced in the facilities via changes to the childcare method. From the study of nursery schools in which noise levels were reduced using sound absorbing material at the suggestion of the childcare staff, we were able to clarify that a major problem is the improvement in the noise awareness of the childcare staff with a little childcare experience. It is thought that the key to solving this problem lies in the training of childcare staff.
千葉 ひとみ 知地 英征 Hitomi CHIBA CHIJI Hideyuki 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.44, pp.31-37, 2007-03-31

木脇 奈智子 棚山 研 新井 康友
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.48, pp.133-147, 2011-03

This study is a part of the lifestyle fact-finding for elderly residents living alone in the Senboku-New Town in Osaka. This report seeks to clarify what forms of economic poverty and isolation are actually being experienced, with particular reference to the influence of human networks. We report interviews with 10 elderly residents living alone, performed in August 2008, together with our analysis and consideration of the results. The results revealed the following: 1) the construction of human networks was greatly influenced by status, previous occupation, gender and other factors, 2)economic resources can become network resources, but these tend to promote network construction in other, more distant, areas rather than among neighboring acquaintances, and 3) there was a tendency for women than for men to have more local acquaintances and to make networks among neighbors more easily. The future problem is how to promote discussion as to how best to support the elderly living alone.
小山 充道 小野 実佐 今泉 明子
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.49, pp.121-135, 2012-03-31

This is a case study of a sexually abused child and her mother (non-perpetrator parent) who underwent parallel interviews conducted by therapists in a child and family support center. The child was in the first grade of an elementary school and had been sexually abused by her father. One therapist carried out play therapy for the child once a week. The treatment target was to overcome her trauma. A second therapist interviewed her mother with the aim of psychological recovery and support that would allow the mother to take a role in the daily care of her child. In this paper we discuss the psychological transformation and recovery process as well as the ideal method of psychological support in cases of sexual abuse, such as the case of the mother and child described above. The stages of the psychological transformation process through which the child passed during the play therapy were as follow: reproduction of the abuse and her self-image as a survivor, the image of a safe place to stay and the expression of her feelings, and, finally,the care of her mind and body and the recovery of self-image. On the other hand, the stages her mother passed through included acceptance of the fact of sexual abuse fact, understanding of the damage received by the child and psychological care,and,finally,an understanding of the damage done to the mother. As a result of support provided for both the mother and child, they were able to recover psychologically and their domestic relations were reestablished.
菊地 和美 坂本 佳菜子 Kazumi KIKUCHI SAKAMOTO Kanako 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科藤女子大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科
藤女子大学紀要. 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.49, pp.39-43, 2012-03-31

本研究は、クロテッドクリームの品質に及ぼす冷凍ならびに糖類添加による影響について検討した。実験方法は、冷凍および解凍時の温度履歴、色調の測定、示差走査熱量分析、粘度測定、官能検査である。1. クロテッドクリームの冷凍時間は無糖が短く、ソルビトール、グラニュー糖の順に長くなった。解凍時間は糖類添加に比べて無糖が長くなった。2. 色調はクロテッドクリームの解凍後、いずれも冷凍前に比べてグラフは右・下方向に移行し、明るさを示す明度の減少と彩度の増加が認められた。3. 吸熱エンタルピー(ΔH)は無糖が3.5mJ/mg、グラニュー糖添加3.5mJ/mg、ソルビトール添加11.2mJ/mg であった。ソルビトール添加が無糖よりも大きくなり、熱に対する安定性が示唆された。4. 粘度変化率は、無糖が最も大きく、次いで、グラニュー糖添加、ソルビトール添加の順になった。5. 官能検査は冷凍・解凍クロテッドクリームの評点が0.4~0.5点であった。冷凍保存において糖類添加することはクロテッドクリームの品質を保つ有効な手段であることが明らかとなった。
福田 絵里 青柳 幸恵 山岸 和敏 賀佐 伸省 知地 英征 Eri FUKUDA AOYANAGI Yukie YAMAGISHI Kazutoshi GASA Shinsei CHIJI Hideyuki 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科 株式会社スリービー 札幌医科大学医療人育成センター教養教育研究部門化学教室 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科藤女子大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻
藤女子大学紀要. 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.49, pp.51-55, 2012-03-31

エルゴチオネインの抗酸化性について加熱温度および各pHの影響をORAC分析法で調べた。1) タモギタケから得た精製エルゴチオネインは、ORAC法においてグルタチオン、L-システイン、L-メチオニンなどのチオール基含有アミノ酸および含硫アミノ酸と比べ抗酸化活性が高かった。DPPHラジカル消去活性評価法による測定においても同様の結果を示した。2) 精製したエルゴチオネインおよびエルゴチオネインを含む抽出物は、加熱温度や各pHで抗酸化性が変わらず、安定的に抗酸化能を有する化合物であることが、ORAC法において確認された。
小山 充道 Mitsuto KOYAMA 藤女子大学人間生活学部保育学科
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.48, pp.159-176, 2011-03-31

The graffiti is a psychological act that is close to being instinctive in human beings. In this paper, we analyzed graffiti from nine viewpoints. The subjects comprised 84 undergraduate women enrolled in Childcare courses. All had shown a long-term interest in infants and handicapped children, and had many opportunities to see pictures drawn by children. Subjects were asked to respond to the following nine questions: "When do you draw graffiti?," "Where do you draw graffiti?," "What equipment do you use when you scribble?," "What graffiti do you draw?," "What feelings do you have when drawing graffiti?," "What meaning does the graffiti have for you?," "What meaning does the graffiti have?," "When did you start drawing graffiti?," and "Do you think that there are any differences in the graffiti drawn by children and that by adults?" As a result, we found the following. Subjects tended to draw graffiti simply when the spirit moved them, or when they had time. Graffiti was drawn in the blank spaces of a notebook or on any paper at hand. The subjects usually used a mechanical pencil or pencil to draw graffiti. Many subjects drew pictures of cartoon characters and animals, human faces and so on. The purpose of the graffiti was to kill time or to encourage a change of pace. A majority of subjects responded that they drew graffiti most frequently as a high school student. This was followed in order of frequency by junior high school student, elementary school student, undergraduate and finally infant. After puberty, the use of notebooks increased and there was an increase in subjects who described their motive in drawing graffiti as a diversion.
藤井 義博 Yoshihiro Fujii
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.46, pp.43-51, 2009-03-31

The Goal of this study was to reevaluate the physical and mental health education conceived by Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) in the light of the art of regimen (diaita in ancient Greek) practiced by Hippocrates. Kaibara Ekken was a humanist equipped with expertise both as physician with the art of preventing diseases and as educator with the art of correcting deviation of one's natural disposition. The goal of his health education is compatible with the idea expressed by Plutarch on the health framed by the art of regimen: "There is nothing better than to devote oneself to humane deeds if one is in good health." As the developmental model by A. H. Maslow is a bottom-up order of needs towards transcendental self actualization starting from basic needs of autonomous person, Kaibara Ekken's art of education for body and mind is top-down order of needs towards humane deeds starting from the heart of the transcendental person corresponding with the heart of heaven and earth. The scope of Ekken's art of education for body and mind will open a new way for today's health education and Shokuiku (food and nutrition education).
柴村 紀代
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.47, pp.97-104, 2010-03-31
伊井 義人 青木 麻衣子 Yoshihito II AOKI Maiko 藤女子大学人間生活学部人間生活学科 北海道大学国際本部留学生センター
藤女子大学紀要. 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.49, pp.1-9, 2012-03-31

Thursday Island, located to the far northeast of Australia and made famous in Japan by Shiba Ryotaro's novel "Mokuyo-To no Yakai" (the night meeting on Thursday Island), once had a population consisting of 60% Japanese. In the Meiji period, in particular, many youths from the coastal area of Wakayama travelled to Thursday Island with the dream of striking it rich as a pearl diver. Although production gradually decreased, the pearl industry on Thursday Island continued to operate through to the Pacific War. However, at the outbreak of the war, most residents from Japan or of Japanese descent were confined in internment camps on the Australian mainland, and those without family in Australia, were forcibly repatriated to Japan after the war. Now, only a few families of Japanese descent remain living on Thursday Island, and it seems that the memory of the time when many Japanese emigrants lived on the island is fading. In this study, our aim is to gain a detailed understanding of the "perspective" of the Japanese emigrants on Thursday Island via an analysis of historical documents and previous studies. Further, we aim to show the multi-faceted and 3-dimensional nature of the lives of the Japanese emigrants on the island before and after the Pacific War by superimposing this "perspective" onto the individual life of Tomitaro Fujii.
藤井 義博
藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.49, pp.57-70, 2012-03-31
