柳澤 大地 西成 活裕
応用数理 (ISSN:09172270)
vol.22, no.1, pp.2-14, 2012-03-27

Jamology is a new scientific and engineering research, which deals with flow and jam of every self-driven particle in the world. One of the most famous models used in Jamology is Cellular Automaton (CA), where time, space, and state are discrete. In this paper, we introduce the essence and the contribution of CA models in Jamology. Traffic CA models succeed to reproduce meta-stable state, which is an essential phenomenon in real traffic, and show some results which can be applied to ease congestion at junctions and weaving sections. Besides, collaboration of CA and Queueing theory creates a new queueing model which gives us mathematically-exact solution useful for application. Furthermore, two dimensional CA models for pedestrians are extended in many ways to study how the specific characteristics of pedestrians affect on their flow. In the last section of the paper, we also discuss the scope of application of CA models.


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こんな論文どうですか? 渋滞学のセルオートマトンモデル(柳澤 大地ほか),2012 https://t.co/gnYbIEHXTd Jamology is a new scientific and …
渋滞ってセルオートマトンでモデリングするのが一般的なのか http://t.co/wV4JHunobK

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