田中 良英
宮城教育大学紀要 (ISSN:13461621)
vol.47, pp.49-69, 2012

After the 1960s, in the European countries and the United States more and more researchers have paid large attention to the military history from the new perspective, so called "the new military history." Although the Soviet historians gave a few but very interesting academic products concerning the army, the research trend all the more comparable to the new military history in the West was remarkably set after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This paper intends to present several features in the recent studies of the 18th-century Russian military history mainly in Russia, along with the Western and Japanese trends. Especially for past twenty years the Russian and Western researchers have shown a lot of noticeable results on the close relation between the army and the civil society in 18th-century Russia. It has been stressed that the Early Modern European states generally included many various elements within their territorial frames. This pre-modern nature could be seen also in the military units both in the West and Russia. Therefore the studies on the Russian army and the social lives surrounding it can give us the important materials to rethink the essential problems in the Early Modern European history.


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