田中 良英
vol.55, pp.65-81, 2021-01-29

田中 良英
宮城教育大学紀要 (ISSN:13461621)
vol.47, pp.49-69, 2012

After the 1960s, in the European countries and the United States more and more researchers have paid large attention to the military history from the new perspective, so called "the new military history." Although the Soviet historians gave a few but very interesting academic products concerning the army, the research trend all the more comparable to the new military history in the West was remarkably set after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This paper intends to present several features in the recent studies of the 18th-century Russian military history mainly in Russia, along with the Western and Japanese trends. Especially for past twenty years the Russian and Western researchers have shown a lot of noticeable results on the close relation between the army and the civil society in 18th-century Russia. It has been stressed that the Early Modern European states generally included many various elements within their territorial frames. This pre-modern nature could be seen also in the military units both in the West and Russia. Therefore the studies on the Russian army and the social lives surrounding it can give us the important materials to rethink the essential problems in the Early Modern European history.
田中 良英
ロシア史研究 (ISSN:03869229)
vol.92, pp.3-23, 2013-05-15 (Released:2017-07-25)

This paper addresses two issues. (1) It is true that as most recent works on occidental history in Japan have stressed, for understanding the relationship between a society and its army, researching military units from various points of view, especially from the standpoint of the socalled 'military historiography in a broad sense' is significant. However, is it possible to grasp the actual situation of the army without knowing its tactics, table of equipment for each soldier, daily life in battle fields, and so on, as traditionally studied by the 'military historiography in a narrow sense'? (2) Could we regard the characteristics of the 18th-century Russian army, which has often been criticized as backward, as results of the efforts of Russian leaders to actively respond to the nature of resources in their country and geographical and residential conditions in the areas where their army fought and marched through? To answer these questions, this paper mainly focuses on the reasons for expanding Russian dragoon regiments after the defeat in Narva. This expansion seems to be a better solution for both making good use of lighter Russian horses and enhancing the logistic and intelligence abilities of the army in the sparsely populated lands.
田中 良英
The Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2009, no.38, pp.72-88, 2009 (Released:2011-10-14)

In order to understand concretely how the Russian Imperial government used the nobility in state service in the 18th century, it is necessary to investigate the actual conditions in the army, because many noblemen were firstly recruited into the army and trained there as state servants. Once temporarily established under the reign of Peter I only for the coronation ceremony of his Empress Catherine on 8 May, 1724, the Cavalry Guards (Kavalergardy) were reformed as a permanent military unit by Catherine I at the end of 1725. This corps has two noteworthy features. Firstly, unlike the other two existing guard regiments that included soldiers and officers who were recruited from the common people, it was composed exclusively of both Russian and foreign noblemen, most of whom started state service as common soldiers or dragoons and attained the status of company officers on the basis of their continuous work and abilities. Being appointed to the Cavalry Guards was rather beneficial for these military functionaries, because they were frequently and quickly promoted to a higher rank either while in office or at the transfer to different posts despite not being expected to actually fight on the battlefield. After leaving the Cavalry Guards, some of the members became core commanders of the two guard regiments newly founded under Anna Ioannovna in 1730, and others reached the top four ranks in the Russian army or the administrative system. Along with these high-ranking officials, many of the ex-cavalrymen were promoted to offices leading regiments, battalions, or local governments, acquiring grades equal to field officers. Judging from such social origins and career patterns of the staff, the Cavalry Guards can be seen one of the important resources for the Imperial government to gather and organize the talented and experienced noblemen distributed across the vast Empire, thereby utilizing their abilities not only in military but also in civil organs. Furthermore, this unit played a social role in absorbing and posting serviceable foreign families into Russia. The second important point is that the Cavalry Guards were mainly used in the Westernized court and state ceremonies, which were employed by the Russian rulers, especially after the Petrine reform, to propagate their unrivalled authority both in- and outside Russia. For example, at the coronation of Empress Catherine in the Moscow Kremlin, the cavalrymen in white wigs, hats with gold lace and white ribbons, green woollen coats, and red woollen vests guarded both the front and the rear end of the procession of the Empress and her husband when they paraded from the court to the ceremonial cathedral. Contributing greatly to the glorification of the rituals and monarchical power, such colourful costumes attracted considerable attention from contemporaries, above all, the foreign diplomats, one of whom noted their resemblance to the uniforms of the French musketeers (mousquetaire). Additionally, soon after Anna’s arrival at the outskirts of Moscow and at a relatively early stage of her coronation, the Cavalry Guards were granted a special audience with her, which symbolically suggested the respectful treatment of the rulers. Such favour could also have strengthened the connections between the imperial power and the elite, thereby supporting the rapid development of the 18th-century Russian Empire.
田中 良英
vol.56, pp.121-137, 2022-01-31

高瀬 香奈 三島 弘之 綾部 純一 渡辺 正英 土屋 雄介 丸山 拓実 益子 悠 立石 健祐 田中 良英
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.30, no.4, pp.305-311, 2021 (Released:2021-04-25)

放射線治療の晩期障害として放射線誘発性腫瘍があるが, 組織型の異なる放射線誘発性脳腫瘍が併発した症例の報告は稀少である. 症例は49歳男性. 8歳時に右前頭葉腫瘍の摘出術を受け, 当初星芽腫の診断で51Gy/37frの拡大局所照射を施行された. 照射後41年, 初発のてんかん発作で救急搬送され, 右前頭葉脳実質の不整形腫瘍と周辺の円蓋部に硬膜付着腫瘤を認めた. 両病変に対して摘出術を施行し, それぞれ膠芽腫, 髄膜腫と診断された. 再検討の結果, 初発腫瘍は退形成上衣腫と診断された. 小児期に放射線治療を受けた患者では長期間経過しても放射線誘発性腫瘍のリスクが存在するため, 長期にわたる慎重な経過観察が重要である.
吉浦 徹 綾部 純一 前田 昌宏 三島 弘之 川崎 泰輔 鈴木 幸二 土屋 雄介 関口 徳朗 田中 良英
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.46, no.2, pp.127-131, 2018 (Released:2018-04-20)

A 33-year-old man presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage (Hunt and Kosnik grade II, World Federation of Neurological Surgeons [WFNS] grade I, Fisher group 3). Cerebral angiography revealed two anterior choroidal arteries and an aneurysm in a distal branch, in addition to an occlusion at the beginning of the right middle cerebral artery (MCA) and ipsilateral moyamoya vessels (unilateral moyamoya disease). On day 5, proximal ligation and bypass (superficial temporal artery [STA]-MCA anastomosis and encephalo-myo-synangiosis [EMS]) was performed. After surgery, neither symptomatic cerebral vasospasm nor hydrocephalus occurred. The patient was discharged without any neurological deficits. According to several reports, in cases of ruptured aneurysms associated with main trunk artery occlusion, it is important to operate both the aneurysm and STA-MCA anastomosis simultaneously in the acute phase to prevent re-rupture of the aneurysm and improve the cerebral blood flow. Thus, combination surgery consisting of proximal ligation and direct/indirect bypass in the acute phase is considered useful for hemorrhagic moyamoya disease.
田中 良英
Slavistika : 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科スラヴ語スラヴ文学研究室年報
vol.31, pp.41-60, 2016-06-20

金沢美知子教授退職記念号特集 18世紀ロシアとヨーロッパ[論文]
田中 良英
ロシア史研究 (ISSN:03869229)
vol.84, pp.64-81, 2009

In the second half of the 17th century, in the German territories, which aimed to recover from the destruction caused by the Thirty Years' War, especially in the central region (for example, Halle, Leipzig, Jena, Wittenberg, Erfurt and Gotha) developed several remarkable intellectual movements: Pietism, cameralism and German early Enlightenment (in addition, Polizeiwissenschaft). In these trends we can find the similar tendency towards the justification of the reforming policies of each secular Prince to maximize the resources in his territory, maintaining the current institutional framework. Heinrich-Johann-Friedrich Ostermann, who was born in Bochum and studied in the Jena University, seemed to be one of the elite who transferred into the Russian Empire the political skills caused by the above-mentioned German intellectuals. In 1720s and 1730s, Ostermann led the College of foreign policies and tried to seek for the pro-Austrian policy, which helped Russia to act vigorously in the arena of the European international system. Furthermore, in St. Petersburg he formed the network of the diplomats sent from the several European states and collected much information beneficial to the Russian states. Osrtermann's contribution to the settlement of the internal policies and the improvement of the court lives was also large. Paying attention to his activities could lead to reconsideration of the important role of second stringers in the historical development.
田中 良英
ロシア史研究 (ISSN:03869229)
vol.92, pp.3-23, 2013

This paper addresses two issues. (1) It is true that as most recent works on occidental history in Japan have stressed, for understanding the relationship between a society and its army, researching military units from various points of view, especially from the standpoint of the socalled 'military historiography in a broad sense' is significant. However, is it possible to grasp the actual situation of the army without knowing its tactics, table of equipment for each soldier, daily life in battle fields, and so on, as traditionally studied by the 'military historiography in a narrow sense'? (2) Could we regard the characteristics of the 18th-century Russian army, which has often been criticized as backward, as results of the efforts of Russian leaders to actively respond to the nature of resources in their country and geographical and residential conditions in the areas where their army fought and marched through? To answer these questions, this paper mainly focuses on the reasons for expanding Russian dragoon regiments after the defeat in Narva. This expansion seems to be a better solution for both making good use of lighter Russian horses and enhancing the logistic and intelligence abilities of the army in the sparsely populated lands.