関口 寛 三浦 房紀 三池 秀敏
no.27, pp.89-92, 2010

In recent years, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and typhoons have occurred in many places in Japan and many people were suffered from them. In addition, many crimes have also occurred not only in large cities but also local cities, which mean that resident's lives are in danger. To protect residents, it is necessary to give them suitable safety information before and/or in real time. From this point of view, we are developing an information system which can obtain and distribute useful safety and security information to residents by setting watching cameras and digital signages managed by the community. In this study, the author developed a sub-system which can detect the abnormal behavior of people from pictures obtained by cameras which are set in the community.


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こんな論文どうですか? 30. 挙動不審者を検出するための画像情報抽出の研究開発 : 安全なまちづくりを目指して(関口 寛ほか),2010 https://t.co/m2MbkwykAO In recent years, natural disas…
こんな論文どうですか? 30. 挙動不審者を検出するための画像情報抽出の研究開発 : 安全なまちづくりを目指して(関口 寛ほか),2010 https://t.co/m2MbkwykAO In recent years, natural disas…
こんな論文どうですか? 30. 挙動不審者を検出するための画像情報抽出の研究開発 : 安全なまちづくりを目指して(関口 寛ほか),2010 https://t.co/m2MbkwykAO In recent years, natural disas…

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