岩田 浩
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.14, no.2, pp.181-210, 2013-03

A purpose of this paper is to examine John Dewey's political thought in order to search for a democratic business management style in the coming civilized society. First, I grasp Dewey's view on the "eclipse of the public" in the great industrial society by reviewing shortly his most important political philosophical work, The Public and Its Problems. Next, I search for a significance of the relationship between democracy as a social idea and community by investigating the democratic way to rebuild the lost public Dewey proposed. Finally, I examine some significant viewpoints Dewey's political thought will give to the modern business management under the trend of "the politicization of CSR".


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岩田浩「変貌する民主主義と企業経営――デューイの政治思想の経営倫理学的意義―」https://t.co/J1oZ9wkLml 気になる点も多々あるけど、読み筋は結構よいし、よく調べられていて結構面白い。
岩田浩「変貌する民主主義と企業経営――デューイの政治思想の経営倫理学的意義―」https://t.co/J1oZ9wkLml 気になる点も多々あるけど、読み筋は結構よいし、よく調べられていて結構面白い。

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