井上 寛康
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.11, no.2, pp.165-176, 2010-02

In social science, it is mostly assumed that there is a typical value for data. This is because normal distribution is supposed. However, it is hardly possible that all data in the natural world as well as human society obey normal distribution. Hence, if people take data for some phenomenon and suppose the data obeys normal distribution, that can lead to a wrong conclusion. In fact, people can have accessed many large scale empirical data in recent years and found those distributions do not obey normal distribution. Some of them obey power-law distribution whose nature has been recently well studied. This paper studied whether the distribution of joint patent applications for an organization obeys power-law distribution or not. The distribution is far from normal distribution and looks like power-law distribution. Hence, it was judged whether the distribution obeys power-law distribution using Clauset's method. The results showed the distribution in 7 and over obeys power-law distribution, and the exponent is 3.03.
出水 力
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.11, no.2, pp.229-268, 2010-02

The production philosophy of Soichiro Honda who is the founder of HONDA has been succeeded to today's HONDA manufacturing system. It is HONDA Engineering that has been most strongly influenced by the Soichiro Honda's manufacturing know-how. Soichiro Honda's production philosophy is based on his experience of repairing cars and working experience at his piston ring factory during prewar days, and his various devices to the process of the motorcycle production after the war. In this paper, how the production philosophy has been succeeded and the difference between Honda and Toyota manufacturing system is discussed.
小泉 修平
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.16, no.2, pp.91-116, 2015-06

Daniel Kahneman established a new discipline called behavioral economics and was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. It was "Prospect theory" and "Heuristics" that he proposed with Amos Tversky, a coworker, and they attempted a proof using the "only one question method", a psychological experimental technique. This report analyzes the results of the confirmatory study that I carried out for students of the Osaka Sangyo University business administration department on May 27, 2014 (158 subjects), June 3(121 subjects), and September 30(168 subjects), using the same experimental technique as Kahneman and others. There were 26 questions, 11genres, and a total of 447 students. Regarding this confirmatory study of Prospect theory, which applies also to the field of Finance, the results conformed to the theory for the most part, but they were not as remarkable as those of Kahneman's experiment, probably because students' senses of values regarding money were not uniform. On the other hand, regarding Heuristics theory, which applies also to the field of marketing, as for me, there was concern that a difference in economic knowledge, such as Bayesian estimate and statistical cause and effect rates, might appear, but those were ground less fears. At the point of intuition, results showed that differences in knowledge and academic ability were irrelevant. Furthermore, regarding the issue of concern over influence from difference in ethnic culture I compared Chinese foreign students with Japanese students, and the results were as follows: regarding the basic problems. both Japanese and Chinese students showed roughly the same tendency as European and American students, but regarding the correction problems, improvement in correct answer rate for the Chinese foreign students was more remarkable than the rise in correct answer rate of European and American students.Daniel Kahneman established a new discipline called behavioral economics and was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. It was "Prospect theory" and "Heuristics" that he proposed with Amos Tversky, a coworker, and they attempted a proof using the "only one question method", a psychological experimental technique. This report analyzes the results of the confirmatory study that I carried out for students of the Osaka Sangyo University business administration department on May 27, 2014 (158 subjects), June 3(121 subjects), and September 30(168 subjects), using the same experimental technique as Kahneman and others. There were 26 questions, 11genres, and a total of 447 students. Regarding this confirmatory study of Prospect theory, which applies also to the field of Finance, the results conformed to the theory for the most part, but they were not as remarkable as those of Kahneman's experiment, probably because students' senses of values regarding money were not uniform. On the other hand, regarding Heuristics theory, which applies also to the field of marketing, as for me, there was concern that a difference in economic knowledge, such as Bayesian estimate and statistical cause and effect rates, might appear, but those were ground less fears. At the point of intuition, results showed that differences in knowledge and academic ability were irrelevant. Furthermore, regarding the issue of concern over influence from difference in ethnic culture I compared Chinese foreign students with Japanese students, and the results were as follows: regarding the basic problems. both Japanese and Chinese students showed roughly the same tendency as European and American students, but regarding the correction problems, improvement in correct answer rate for the Chinese foreign students was more remarkable than the rise in correct answer rate of European and American students.
土屋 佑介 辺見 英貴
vol.21, no.2・3, pp.1-14, 2020-06-30

The purpose of this research is to clarify the Gioia Methodology(Gioia, Corley, & Hamilton, 2012), which has attracted attention as a qualitative method. Through a comparative analysis with the Eisenhardt(1989)template, we divided it into five items; epistemological foundations and research orientation, the need for prior research, data collection, logic of the analysis, and rhetoric of the writing. As a result, we proposed a taxonomy that organized the commonalities and differences between the two templates, and introduced a method to increase the rigor of case studies. Finally, we discussed three limitations in Gioia et al.(2012).
山ノ内 敏隆
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.6, no.1, pp.93-107, 2004-10-30

There were two routes that the beer brewing technology had been spread over Japan. One was the genealogy of Copeland. Yokoyama and Kubo played the biggest role in this genealogy. They contributed the rise of the beer industry in Japan. The oter was the govermmental route. Nakagawa contributed to establish Kaitakushi Brewery. He is the most important person who transplanted the Germany beer brewing technology in Japan.
三宅 敦
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.18, no.1, pp.59-70, 2017-02

Adastria Co., Ltd. is a SPA company representing Japan. Sales exceeded 200 billion yenfor the 1-year period ending February 2016. In recent years sales have grown, but operatingincome worsened for four years until 2014. However, for the two years of the most recentperiod ending February 2015 and February 2016, the company achieved a V-shaped recovery. Iconsider the causes from the standpoint of the company's public documents.
美藤 信也
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.15, no.1, pp.43-55, 2013-10

本稿では、欧洲のロジスティクス及びサプライチェーンマネジメント研究を牽引する研究グループであるクランフィールド大学の研究グループの論調と米国のロジスティクス及びサプライチェーンマネジメント研究を代表する研究グループであるミシガン州立大学の研究グループの論調からさらに、国際ビジネス研究で著名なRugman 等の見解を比較検討としつつ、主として日本製造業に焦点を当てたグローバルサプライチェーンにおける販売戦略の企業行動とロジスティクス成果及び企業成果の影響と作用について実証的に解明する。
趙 雪蓮
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.13, no.1, pp.119-137, 2011-10

We have a variety of the social problems like the poverty, the human right, environmental problems and so on, especially after 1990's. But they identify that the central government or the municipality at fiscal risk don't have the capability enough to respond to such social problems. Therefore, the enterprises which detect the solution of such social problems in their business recently emerge. We call them the social enterprise. We examine the movements and the development of the social enterprise in this article.
出水 力
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.12, no.1, pp.1-31, 2010-10

Few people knows the fact that the first home-manufactured motorcycle with gasoline engine was produced by Narazo Shimazu in 1909. On the first part of this paper, I explain how N. Shimazu developed his gasoline engine from the technical point of view. The procedure of producing motorcycles, cyclecars, airplanes is discussed, introducing several episodes how he sometimes failed as a pioneer. I discuss N. Shimazu as a pioneer and as an owner of an automobile school and factory of motorcycles. After he became an engineer in a company, he began the study of combustion chamber. The first home-manufactured motorcycle was produced a century ago. Then a lot of small companies began to produce motorcycles. They were too small scale companies to call them industry. On the second part of this paper, motorcycle industry after the world war II is discussed. The innovation of motorcycle technology occurred from 1950's to 1960's. Then the motorcycle industry in Japan became the strongest in the world. I discussed case studies of Honda motor and Ymaha motor in Japan.
井上 仁志
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.17, no.3, pp.179-193, 2016-06

Growing and managing a company requires the senior management to accurately grasp changes in the economic and political settings. Successfully navigating these economic and political changes requires the combined efforts of the company president and his employees. Successful communication between a president and the employees most closely associated with the on-the-ground business environment is essential to create positive change within an organization. Consequently, when employees are endowed with a sense of importance, or belonging, as a result of communication and support from their president, they are increasingly motivated to perform well. Through an analysis of " president-employee(s) communication " in an organization referred to as" Company D," this paper highlights and summarizes the performance of employees, found to be the resulting outcome of the communication they received from their company's leadership.Growing and managing a company requires the senior management to accurately grasp changes in the economic and political settings. Successfully navigating these economic and political changes requires the combined efforts of the company president and his employees. Successful communication between a president and the employees most closely associated with the on-the-ground business environment is essential to create positive change within an organization. Consequently, when employees are endowed with a sense of importance, or belonging, as a result of communication and support from their president, they are increasingly motivated to perform well. Through an analysis of " president-employee(s) communication " in an organization referred to as" Company D," this paper highlights and summarizes the performance of employees, found to be the resulting outcome of the communication they received from their company's leadership.
岩田 浩
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.14, no.2, pp.181-210, 2013-03

A purpose of this paper is to examine John Dewey's political thought in order to search for a democratic business management style in the coming civilized society. First, I grasp Dewey's view on the "eclipse of the public" in the great industrial society by reviewing shortly his most important political philosophical work, The Public and Its Problems. Next, I search for a significance of the relationship between democracy as a social idea and community by investigating the democratic way to rebuild the lost public Dewey proposed. Finally, I examine some significant viewpoints Dewey's political thought will give to the modern business management under the trend of "the politicization of CSR".
原田 良雄
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-26, 2013-10

The expected decrease of the domestic market, combined with limited growth, has caused leading EC operators in Japan to accelerate their expansion of business overseas. Since EC sales channels can overcome geographic limitations, effective utilization of these facilitate store development without committing large investment capital giving opportunity to EC to secure their own target market within the broadening market. Against this background, in recent years, EC related companies in Japan have tried to advance and develop the Chinese market, and results are beginning to appear. What has distinguished those that are successful and those that are not? To clarify the factors, we discuss the development of cross-border EC in the China market. In addition, we propose the features of cross-border e-commerce conceptual model, and examined its usefulness and proposed function.
出水 力
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.11, no.3, pp.337-375, 2010-06

Japanese manufacturers started exporting the motorcycles to American market in the early 1960's and won the market from small motorcycles of Europe in the middle of 1960's. Then Japanese manufacturers developed the large-scale motorcycles and dominated the market in the beginning of the 1970's. Motorcycle production became the strongest industry of which Japan boasted. In this paper the processes of technological development of the large-scale motorcycles produced by Honda and Kawasaki are discussed. Technical domination of Japan at the motorcycle market had been steady for twenty years, but Harley, the USA manufacturer regained lost market in the after 1990's, and has been dominating the large-scale market motorcycle not only in the United States but also in Japan. The success of Harley depends on the lifestyle marketing. They sell motorcycles matched well with lifestyle and culture. However, Japanese manufacturers such as HONDA hold a dominant position in the world for their high-quality mass production system and high technology.
陳 玉霞
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.13, no.2, pp.241-266, 2012-06

Social, in the field of information circulation in today's society, penetrate quickly as the community where social media called consumers generation dispatch model media (CGM) are new and give big influence in each field. In this report, I considered an inflection example in business of social media for the purpose of utilizing set intellect of social media from the viewpoint of information sharing. And I argued about the effectiveness and possibility by the company use of the social media that were information system and set intellect of the network.
齋藤 雅子
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.8, no.1, pp.65-79, 2006-10-30

The Accounting Standard Board of Japan (ASBJ) has released for public comment Exposure Draft of PITF No.l9, Practical Solution on Investors' Accounting for Limited-Liability Partnerships (LLP) and Limited-Liability Companies (LLC). This paper studies the accounting issues on two points : the legal difference between LLP and LLC, and the selected application of accounting procedures. LLC is the organization of internal autonomy type as well as LLP. It is important to consider the accounting procedure for LLC to make use of the merit. Now three accounting methods for LLP give the significant issue to discuss toward only one method.
万仲 脩一
大阪産業大学経営論集 (ISSN:13451456)
vol.8, no.2, pp.117-142, 2007-02-28

According to P. Ulrich' thought, economic citizen, market order and business enterprise are given as (loci) of morality of economic activities. In this paper, at first we outlined his opinions about the former two, that is economic citizen and market order, and the republicanism-liberalism on which they rest. Then we examined them from perspectives of philosophy, politics and economic ethics. (We will treat business ethics in our next paper.)