布目 慎勇 難波 恒雄
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.38, no.1, pp.32-45, 1984-03-20

A description on the crude drug, "Diding" (地丁), appeared in Tai-Ping-Sheng-Hui-Fang (太平聖恵方) of the ancient chinese herbal literature (Song dynasty). Since then, a variety of plants have been used as "Diding" and their botanical sources of "Diding"s are uncertain in the literatures published before Zhi-Wu-ming-Shi-Tu-Cao (植物名実図考). In the modern literatures 50 or more species (28 genus of 14 families) are described as the botanical sources of "Diding"s. They were Viola spp. (Violaceae), Amblytropis spp. (Leguminosae), Corydalis spp. (Papaveraceae) and Polygala spp. (Polygalaceae). "Zihuadiding" (紫花地丁), "Diding"s with violet flowers, described in Ben-Cao-Gang-Mu and Ben-Cao-Yuan-Shi (本草原始) seems to be derived from Amblytropis spp. In Zhi-Wu-Ming-Shi-Tu-Cao, four "Zihuadiding"s are described. One of them is the "Zihuadiding" as cited from Ben-Cao-Gang-Mu. Others seem to be Viola spp., Polygala spp. and Scutellaria spp. (Labiatae).


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こんな論文どうですか? 漢薬「地丁」の生薬学的研究(第9報) : 本草文献学的考察(布目 慎勇ほか),1984 http://t.co/fbHcxSKTbq

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