御影 雅幸 李 奉柱 朴 鐘喜 難波 恒雄
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.45, no.4, pp.336-341, 1991-12-20

「Jad Na Mu Ip」は韓国で淋疾や梅毒の治療薬として用いられる民間薬である. Jad は海松子, Na Mu は木, Ip は葉の意味であるから, その基源は一般にマツ科のPinus koraiensis SIEB. et ZUCC. チョウセンゴヨウの葉であるとされている2)がいまだ確証はない. Pinus 属植物は韓国にはチョウセンゴヨウのほか P. parviflora ヒメコマツ, P. pumila ハイマツ, P. bungeana シロマツ, P. densiflora アカマツ, P. thunbergii クロマツなど形態の類似するものが分布しているので3), 今回「Jad Na Mu Ip」の原植物を知る目的で市場調査を行い, 入手した商品および Pinus 属植物7種の葉を比較組織学的に検討した. その結果, 現在市販されている「Jad Na Mu Ip」はチョウセンゴヨウの葉であることを確証した. なおP. armandi タカネゴヨウは中国に産する種であるが, 形状がチョウセンゴヨウに似ているので参考のため検討した. Pinus 属植物の葉の組織分類学的研究に関しては, 土井ら4)が基本的形態を詳細に報告するとともに変種や雑種を含めた80数種について検索表を提出し, また早田ら5)がチョウセンゴヨウやヒメコマツの組織図を示しているので, 本論文では記載を最小限に止めた. The Korean folk medicine "Jad Na Mu Ip" has been used to cure gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. Though the crude drug has generally been said to be the leaves of Pinus koraiensis SIEB. et ZUCC. of the Pinaceae family, the scientific confirmation has not been made yet. Recent commercial "Jad Na Mu Ip" certainly seems to be the leaves of a Pinus plant. Therefore, to identify the botanical origin of this crude drug, the leaves of seven species of the genus Pinus growing in Korea, Japan and China, including P. koraiensis, were examined anatomically. The result shows the botanical origin of "Jad Na Mu Ip" is P. koraiensis.
難波 恒雄 菊池 徹 御影 雅幸 門田 重利 小松 かつ子 清水 岑夫 富森 毅
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.41, no.1, pp.35-42, 1987-03-20

Cinnamomum verum J. S. PRESL of family Lauraceae is one of the important cultivated medicinal plants in Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka. The bark of the tree, "CINNAMOMI VERI CORTEX," KURUNDUPOTU in Singhalese, is known to be a famous spice under the name of Cinnamon. Besides, KURUNDUPOTU is also an Ayurvedic drug used for dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting, etc. Nowadays, as a spice, Cinnamon is divided commercially into thirteen grades on the bases of differences of the diameter and quantity of Foxing of the Quillings. Among these, we got nine popular grades from the Bureau of Ceylon Standard.To know the qualitical differences of each grade, anatomical and chemical studies of all these were made. Our results showed that higher graded Cinnamon had less mechanical tissues anatomically and contained more essential oils chemically. Moreover, in essential oils, the percentage of cinnamyl acetate was found higher and that of cinnamaldehyde was lower in higher graded ones.スリランカ(Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka)における民族医療はアーユルヴェーダ(インド医学)が主流である. スリランカにおいて栽培される代表的なアーユルヴェーダ薬物の一つにKURUNDUPOTU(cinnamon bark の意味のシンハリ名)があり, このものはLauraceaeのCinnamomum verum J. S. PRESL(=C zeylanicum NEES セイロンニッケイ)のコルク層を剥いだ樹皮である. アーユルヴェーダではKURUNDUPOTU は強壮, 健胃, 駆風薬などとして用いられ, また民間的にも頭痛や感冒, 鼻汁, 呼吸器疾患, 下痢などに利用されている2). その産出量は年々増加しており, 大半は香辛料として輸出され, 一部が薬用あるいは料理用に国内で消費されている2). セイロン桂皮についてはすでに太田らにより日本市場品の内部形態3), コロンボおよびスイス市場品とコロンボ近郊などでの栽培品との内部形態による比較研究4)がなされているが, 品質についてはいっさい触れられていない. 現在, セイロン桂皮には商取引上13の等級があり, それらの等級はBureau of Ceylon Standardで規格されている. 等級はAlba, Continental 5 special, Continenta1 5, 同4, 同3, 同2, 同1, Mexican5 special, 同5, 同4, Hamburg 1, 同2, 同3の名称で呼ばれ, これらはQuimng5)の大さやFoxing6)の量で規定されている2). Albaが最高級品とされ, Continentalグループ, Mexicanグループ, Hamburgグループと続くが, Continentalグループの低級品よりはMexicanグループの高級品の方が品質がよいといわれている. これらのグループ名はそれぞれ輸出先国の違いを示しており, Hamburgグループ以外は番号の大きいものが高級品とされている. 今回, 栽培地を調査するとともにこれらの13等級のうち, とくに流通量の多い9等級を入手し, 各等級間の内部形態および精油成分の差異を検討したので報告する. また生薬市場および製薬工場において入手したKURUNDUPOTU等級についても検討した.
寺沢 捷年
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.41, no.2, pp.p85-96, 1987-06

The concept of "Hie-sho" (chillphobia) was reviewed with special reference to its diagnostic criteria, occurrence patho-physiological aspects and treatments. Questionnaire studies revealed that about 70% of female and about 50% of male patients visiting our clinic were suffering from "Hie-sho." This disorder was investigated patho-physiologically by using ultra-red thermography, core temperature thermography, and the microscopic video system. The results showed tha "Hie-sho" was closely related to disturbance of micro-circulation and its regulatory system. In traditional Kampoh medicine, "Hie-sho" has been interpreted as imbalance between three important factors, i.e., vital energy, blood and water. The cognition of the imbalance and the relevant Kampoh treatments were also reviewed in detail.
沢田 徳之助 山原 條二 島津 早苗 太田 利夫
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-16, 1971-06-20

The contents of coloring matter and essential oil from the root of Curucuma domestica (C. longa) and the fungistatic action of them are tested. Essential oil shows a high effect against Aspergillus niger IFO. 6341, Penicillium citrinum IFO. 6352, Chaetomium globosum IFO. 6347 and Neurospora crassa IFO. 4596.
加藤 正博 稲葉 美代志 板鼻 秀信 大原 英治 中村 好一 上里 新一 井上 博之 藤多 哲朗
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.44, no.4, pp.288-292, 1990

Twentythree crude drugs and related plants were examined for their anticoccidial activity by the use of the experimental coccidiosis in chicken. The activity was found in the dry leaves and calyxes of some Hydrangea plants. As the active components of H. macrophylla subsp. macrophylla forma macrophylla, febrifugines were isolated which have been known to be contained in Dichroa febrifuga and H. umbellata. However, although the febrifugines in the latter two plants were reported to be mainly trans, in the H. macrophylla plants, cis-febrifugine was found to be a major component and the trans-counterpart, a minor component. Furthermore, the cis-isomer showed no anticoccidial activity in chicken even at the concentration level of 25 times the effective dose (3 ppm, IE=100) of the trans-isomer.
難波 恒雄 久保 道徳 谿 忠人 御影 雅幸
日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy (ISSN:00374377)
vol.24, no.2, pp.111-121, 1970-12-20

The foliar crude drug so called "Urajirogashi" has been used in Tokushima Pref. as the folk remedy for nephrolithiasis, cholelithiasis and urethral calculi. The effect to dissolve each calculus has been proved pharmacologically and clinically, and the crude drug and their preparations are generally on the present market. The original plant of "Urajirogashi" was considered to be Quercus salicina BLUME. The results of the anatomical studies, however, confirmed that the original plants are Q. myrsinaefolia BLUME and the mixture of both species of Q. salicina and Q. myrsinaefolia besides Q. salicina BLUME. The points to discriminate each species are as follows: A) Q. salicina: Upper epidermis is 1.5〜3 times as thick as lower epidermis, and no idioblast in the part of mesophyll. Palisade ratio is 2.3〜3.7〜5.8. B) Q. myrsinaefolia: Upper epidermis is 3〜5 times as thick as lower epidermis, and idioblast are observed in the part of mesophyll. Palisade ratio is 3.5〜6.7〜10. 5. Further, the key for identification on the anatomical characteres of the leaves from Q. salicina, Q. myrsinaefolia, Q. glauca, Q. acuta, Q. hondae, Q. sessilifolia, Q. gilva, Q. phillyraeoides, Q. mongolia var. grosseserrata, Q. serrata, Q. aliena, Q. dentata, Q. variabilis and Q. acutissima was indicated as Table 4.「序言」ブナ科FagaceaeのウラジロガシQuercus salicina BLUME(=Q. stenophylla MAKINO)は, 本州, 四国, 九州の暖地に自生する常緑高木で, 徳島県地方で「しらかし」および「うらじろがし」と称され, 民間的にその葉や小枝を, 1日30~50g煎剤およびエキス剤として, 胆石症, 腎石症, 尿路結石症など内臓諸結石症の治療薬とされ, 最近では肝臓, 胃腸病, 便秘などにも応用されている日本特有の民間薬である3)4). 近年ウラジロガシの結石溶解作用は薬理学的には, 小国3a), 幸田5)により, 臨床的には近藤ら6), 橋本7)および稲田ら8)により検討され, その有効性が実証された. その後市場に「うらじろがし」, 「裏白柏」と称して出回り, エキス製剤も市販されるようになった. 今回徳島県下で民間的に使用されている「うらじろがし(しらかし)」, および徳島, 香川, 和歌山, 群馬県産の徳島, 大阪, 東京市場品「うらじろがし」の中に同一基源からなるものとは思われない商品が発見されたので, それらの基源を確定する目的でQuercus属植物14種9)の葉との比較組織学的研究を行った.
奥山 徹 高田 光正 柴田 承二 保尊 正幸 川田 忠典 正木 久朗 野口 輝彦
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.41, no.2, pp.p147-152, 1987-06

Some Chinese herbal prescriptions employed for a syndrome expressed in oriental medical concept as chest paralysis (Kyohi) and heartache (Shintsu) are thought to be effective for angina pectoris. We investigated the effects of 5 Chinese medicinal prescriptions, Kuolon-Xiebai-Banxia Tang (Karo-gaihaku-hange-to), Guizhi-Shenjiang-Zhishi Tang (Keishi-shokyc-kijitsu-to), Jupi-Zhishi-Shenjiang Tang (Kippi-kijitsu-shokyo-to), Renshen Tang (Ninjin-to) and Guizhi-Renshen Tang (Keishi-ninjin-to) and 6 individual herbs contained in these prescriptions on a human platelet aggregation induced by 2 μM ADP. All the prescriptions mentioned above showed a strong inhibitory effect in the secondary wave aggregation, while Jupi-Zhishi-Shenjiang Tang and Guizhi-Renshen Tang gave less effect in the primary wave aggregation. Of these herbs, Shenjiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma), Ganjiang (Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma) and Renshen (Ginseng Radix) showed a strong inhibitory effect, while Jupi (Aurantii Nobilis Pericarpium) promoted the primary wave aggregation. Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) and Baizhu (Atractyloides Rhizoma) showed no activity.
榊原 仁作 永井 慎一 森 淳 竹谷 和視 堀田 芳弘
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.40, no.3, pp.p317-324, 1986-09

20R-Dihydroouabain (20R-DHO) and 20S-dihydroouabain (20S-DHO) were synthesized by reduction of ouabain (G-strophanthin) and separated by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. The relationships between the stereochemical structures and pharmacological activities of 20R- and 20S-DHO were studied by the use of isolated guinea-pig papillary muscle and renal Na^+, K^+-ATPase. 20S-DHO was more inotropic (pD_2: 5.0, 100% increase in contractile force at 3.0 x 10^<-5> M) and more inhibitory (pIC_<50>: 5.9) than 20R-DHO (pD_2: 4.6, 100% increase in contractile force at 1.0 × 1O^<-4> M, pIC_<50>: 5.5). On the other hand, both R and S compounds inhibited the positive inotropic effect of their parent compound ouabain; the potency of inhibition by 20S-DHO was greater than that by 20R-DHO. These results suggest that the pharmacological differences in 20R- and 20S-DHO may depend on the strength of hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen and Na^+, K^+-ATPase receptor.
久保 道徳 勝城 忠久 長尾 孝治 水野 瑞夫 大橋 広好
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.31, no.2, pp.136-144, 1977-12-20

The Chinese crude drug so called "Gehua" has been used for the treatment of crapulence as a folk medicine in China, Formosa, Korea and Japan. The original plant of this was considered to be the flower of Pueraria spp. in Leguminosae. Four kinds of "Gehua" on Chinese, Formosan, Korean and Japanese markets, were taken as the materials. To clarify their origins, we studied external and internal morphological characters of Pueraria spp. collected in Hong Kong, Formosa and Japan. The main characters of them are shown in TABLE I. Consequently, the origins of "Gehua" on Chinese market are proved to be Pueraria chinensis OHWI, the Formosan ones are P. montana MERRIL., and Korean and Japanese ones are P. lobata OHWI. Chinese Pueraria flower which contains kakkatin (=6, 4'-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-isoflavone) is identified as the flower of Pueraria chinensis.
難波 恒雄 久保 道徳 御影 雅幸
日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.30, no.2, pp.p171-182, 1976-12

"Xia-ku-cao (夏枯草)" is one of the Chinese crude drugs used mainly as a diuretic. While in Japan, the same drug called "Ka-go-so" has been used as a folk remedy for gonorrhea, bruises and etc. Regarding the origin of "Xia-ka-cao," it was reported by Su et al. (1958) that those from continental China was originated in the fruited spica of Prunella vulgaris L. of Labiatae. It was, however, stipulated for the spica of Prunella vulgaris L. subsp. asiatica HARA in J. P. IX (1976). According to our survey of respective markets in Taiwan, Japan and Korea, most of the materials collected in the markets were seemed to be originated in Prunella plants, while some from Korea, were seemed to be Thesium plant of Santalaceae as reported by Ishidoya (1934). Furthermore from many descriptions and figures in various herbals (Ben-cdo-shil "Xia-ka-cao" is regarded to be originated in Prunella plants as shown Plate 1. To clarify the respective origin of five kinds of "Xia-ku-cad' from continental China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, pharmacognostical studies were made in comparing them with Prunella vulgaris L. distributed mainly in Europe, P. vulgaris L. subsp. asiatica HARA in East Asia, P. prunelliformis MAKINO in Japan and Thesium chinense TURCZ. in Asia. By the present studies, it was clarified that all of "Xia-ka-cao" originated in Prunella plants were P. vulgaris subsp. asiatica, and the materials from continental China were consisted of spica only, while those from other countries were whole plants body of that plant, and some from Korea originated in Thesium chinense.
堀井 聰 野口 友昭 松井 勇作 渡辺 順明 後藤 実
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.14, no.2, pp.91-94, 1960

In the course of studies on antibiotic components of plants, an antibacterial pigment was isolated from the outer bark of the root of "Tsuru-ume-modoki" (Celastrus orbiculatus THUNB.) after finding that a 50 % methanolic extract of the root of the plant had antibacterial activity. The pigment was identified as celastrol, which had been isolated from the root bark of Celastrus scandens by O. Gisvold. Further the pigment was found to have not only antibacterial but also antifungal and antitumor activities. Investgation was also carried out on some plants of the genera Tripterygium and Euonymus.
渡辺 武 後藤 実
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.6, no.1, pp.35-37, 1953-01-01

The quantitative determination of essential oil and cinnamic adlehyde was caried out on the leaves, bark of trunks, bark of branches, bark of roots of the Cinnamomum Loureirii Nees (Lauraceae) collected in Wakayama and Kagosima prefecture in Japan, and on the Cassia barks collected abroad (and brought to the market in Japan.) The determination was effected acordig to the method provided in J. P. V. with scant material a satisfactory result was obtained by the use of the essential oil extracting apparatus devided by the present authors or micro cassia flask. The quantity of essential oil and cinnamic aldehyde the collection. But as far as the bark of roots is concerned, the quantity compares favoures favourably with that of the Cinnamornum Cassia Blume, if the bark is fresh or stored in good condition. The refore, the bark of roots of the Cinnamoum Ioureirii Nees collected in Japan is valuable as vegetable drug.
井上 和秀 池永 敏彦 大橋 裕
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.31, no.1, pp.99-105, 1977-06-20

山口県秋吉台で採取したセンブリSwertia japonica MAKINO種子を1ヵ月おきに60日間低温(2°湿潤状態)で処理し,1975年2月から4月まで月1回は種した.また,対照として無処理(室内保存)種子を1974年12月から1975年4月まで月1回低温処理と各月の同じ日には種した.試験は鉢を用いて,ファイロンハウス内でおこなった.1)発芽は2月まきでよく,4月まきはひじょうに悪かった.2)発芽への低温処理の効果は3月まきと4月まきにあらわれ,発芽はよくなかった.3)生存個体数は1月〜3月まきで多かったが,なかでも2月まきがやや多くなる傾向があった.4)生長への低温処理の効果は3月まきと4月まきの1年生植物にあらわれたが,1年生の終わり頃からなくなり始め,2年生植物にはまったくみられなかった.5)鉢あたりの収量は4月まき無処理で少なかったが,あとの区間には差がなかった.6)暖地でのは種適期は1月〜2月といえるが,なかでも2月が最適時期といえそうであった.
徐 国鈞 徐 珞珊 田中 俊弘
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.38, no.4, pp.287-291, 1984-12-20

Method for the identification of powdered crude drugs, when not mixed with other crude drugs, has already been established. However, many of the Chinese patent medical preparations often include mixtures of several powdery crude drug ingredients. For the identification of individual ingredients in such powdery mixtures, microscopic method may advantageously be used as it requires only a small amount of specimens. In this paper, effectiveness of this method will be exemplified by the identification of the ingredients in niuhuang shangqing wan (牛黄上清丸) which contains 19 powdered crude drug ingredients.
長沢 元夫 久田 陽一 露木 真澄
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.17, no.1, pp.1-5, 1964-01-20

A clear distinction between Tinnevelly Senna and Alexandrian Senna by histological anatomy was found. The best way to find the distinction is the comparison by the degree of development of fibres in bundle of the costa. For that purpose, the leaflets of about 2 cm. in length were used. It was no good to use the leaflets less than 1 cm. and more than 3 cm. in length. We got positive proofs that the anatomical figure of Tinnevelly Senna after A. Tschirch which had been quoted in many textbooks of Pharmacognosy is not typical. It was characteristic of Italian Senna and Aden Senna that both their costa are not prominent under the leaflets and the cell wall of the base of hair is not so thick.
布目 慎勇 難波 恒雄
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.38, no.1, pp.32-45, 1984-03-20

A description on the crude drug, "Diding" (地丁), appeared in Tai-Ping-Sheng-Hui-Fang (太平聖恵方) of the ancient chinese herbal literature (Song dynasty). Since then, a variety of plants have been used as "Diding" and their botanical sources of "Diding"s are uncertain in the literatures published before Zhi-Wu-ming-Shi-Tu-Cao (植物名実図考). In the modern literatures 50 or more species (28 genus of 14 families) are described as the botanical sources of "Diding"s. They were Viola spp. (Violaceae), Amblytropis spp. (Leguminosae), Corydalis spp. (Papaveraceae) and Polygala spp. (Polygalaceae). "Zihuadiding" (紫花地丁), "Diding"s with violet flowers, described in Ben-Cao-Gang-Mu and Ben-Cao-Yuan-Shi (本草原始) seems to be derived from Amblytropis spp. In Zhi-Wu-Ming-Shi-Tu-Cao, four "Zihuadiding"s are described. One of them is the "Zihuadiding" as cited from Ben-Cao-Gang-Mu. Others seem to be Viola spp., Polygala spp. and Scutellaria spp. (Labiatae).
萩原 義郎 小西 逞夫 黒川 信夫 橋本 庸平 立花 陽子
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.28, no.1, pp.47-50, 1974-06-20

A new method for the determination of d-phyllodulcin in Sweet Hydrangea by fluorometric measurements was established. After its seperation from other constituents by TLC and exposed to ultraviolet ray of 263.5 mμ, the d-phyllodulcin portion seperated by TLC gives blue fluorescence. By measurment of fluorescence intensity, d-phyllodulicin is determined quantitatively in concentration range of 1.0-4.0 μg/ml.
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.36, no.3, pp.222-227, 1982-09-20

By the agar dilution technique, magnolol and honokiol, the components of Magnoliae Cortex, were demonstrated to have antibacterial activity against various strains of gram-positive bacteria, including Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Peptococcus sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., Micrococcus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Eubacterium sp., Bifidobacterium sp. and Clostridium sp. with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 12. 5-25 μg/ml, but not against those of gram-negative bacteria. Both compounds were strongly bactericidal against Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus etc., which were killed within 2. 5 mins in contact with the solutions of 100μg/ml.
宮沢 洋一 萩原 博司
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.29, no.2, pp.152-159, 1975

The methods of cultivation of Senburi-plant are not made clear yet. As one of the difficulties of cultivation is concerned with seed germination, authors studied the effects of soil moisture and amount of light on the germinability of seeds, using various nets which have different degrees of light-inter-ception. Germination test carried out in 1973 and 1974. Seeds were sown on the beds covered with above-mentioned nets in the shape of tunnels. The germinating ability of old seeds were tested, too. Tunnel covering of nets could prevent the penetration of light and wind into the seed bed, and then, soil moisture were held in stable conditions. Covering with Kurare-victoria lawn Black No. 600 and Daionet Black No. 600 of which the rates of light-interception were 50% and 50% respectively, were most suitable for the seed germination. When the rates of light-interception were higher than above, the germination percentages were worse and seeds germinated slowly, according to the low temperature of soil which occurred by the lack of the light, in spite of abundance of soil moisture. The plots of no cover and covering with Kurare-victoria lown White No. 300 of which the rate of light-interception was 23% showed the worst germination, soil moisture being unstable. Seeds stored in the natural seasoning did not germinate at all next year. But, some of seeds sown in the soil which did not germinate in the 1 st year germinated next year.