山梨 八重子
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.8, pp.153-173, 2014-03

In this study, I examine the basis for justification of paternalistic acts in education. My assumption is that the theory of paternalism does not include apply to children, but accepts paternalistic intervention for children by adults and teachers. The reason behind this is that children are by nature inexperienced compared to adults. However, in reality it is a common occurrence for teachers to intervene excessively for children in the context of school education. Therefore, based on knowledge of paternalism theories, I attempt to define a standard to prevent excessive intervention by teachers with regard to children. In conclusion, I examine the basis of justification for teachers to intervene on behalf of children.


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