山梨 八重子 ヤマナシ ヤエコ Yamanashi Yaeko
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
no.12, pp.84-89, 2018-03

我々は自殺を試みようとする者を目の前にしたとき、とっさにそれに介入し阻止するだろう。阻止介入に対して、その当事者からの非難や抗議の声があるとしても、社会通念は介入を当然の行為とみなし、もし介入せずに放置したならば道徳的な責めを受けるであろう。しかし自殺自体は本人の意思による行為であり自己決定を優位にとらえるならば、それを阻止する介入は、その自己決定に対する侵害と見なされる可能性もある。本レポートでは、意志ある者で行為可能な者による自死に限定し、自死に対する道徳的判断とさらに、自死を踏みとどまる時、我々の中に生起する思いとその判断の根底にあるものを、R・ドゥオーキン(Ronald Dwoekin)の人間の生の「本来的価値」を手がかりに検討することを目的とする。
山梨 八重子
熊本大学教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University (ISSN:21881871)
no.64, pp.267-274, 2015

This purpose of this research is to clarify issues related to the establishment of theory on yogo teachers as professional. A variety of different research projects have been carried out through the present time with a view to establishing yogo teachers as professional in their fields. The majority of this research has been conducted based on the results of Manabu Ogura's research, which means that Ogura's research has garnered a certain level of respect as a body of work presenting yogo teachers as professional. This paper re-examines research conducted by Ogura on the specialized nature of yogo teachers, comparing this work with documents by M. Lieberman, on which Ogura's work was based.Our research shows that the specialized nature of yogo teachers described by Ogura is limited to differentiating yogo teachers from conventional teachers within the school organization; therefore Ogura's scope is limited. Further, it has also become clear to us that the viewpoint of yogo teacher profession from Japan's unique perspective on yogo teachers as conventional teachers lacks a solid foundation. If we are to emphasize Japan's special positioning of yogo teachers in the larger context of conventional teachers, we conclude that there is a need to examine the deep specialization from a broad perspective— including trends in teacher profession theory—in order to further establish theory on the profession of Yogo teacher.本論は、養護教諭の専門職論の先達である小倉の研究を検討し、専門職としての養護教諭論にせまる上での課題を明らかにすることを目的とする.
山梨 八重子
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.8, pp.153-173, 2014-03

In this study, I examine the basis for justification of paternalistic acts in education. My assumption is that the theory of paternalism does not include apply to children, but accepts paternalistic intervention for children by adults and teachers. The reason behind this is that children are by nature inexperienced compared to adults. However, in reality it is a common occurrence for teachers to intervene excessively for children in the context of school education. Therefore, based on knowledge of paternalism theories, I attempt to define a standard to prevent excessive intervention by teachers with regard to children. In conclusion, I examine the basis of justification for teachers to intervene on behalf of children.