中塚 久美子 広渡 俊哉 池内 健 長田 庸平 金沢 至
蝶と蛾 (ISSN:00240974)
vol.64, no.4, pp.154-167, 2013-12-25

Species diversity of dead-plant feeding moths in various forest ecosystems in Osaka Prefecture was investigated from March to November 2011. The study sites included a beech forest (Site A), an evergreen forest (Site B), a suburban forest park (Site C), a university campus (Site D) and an urban park (Site E). For the extraction of the larvae, two methods 1) hand-sorting, and 2) the Tullgren apparatus, were used. We also collected some flying adults and case-bearing larvae on the dead leaves in each site. A total of 27 species belonging to 10 families of dead-leaf feeding moths emerged: 15 species belonging to 8 families at Site A, 13 species belonging to 7 families at Site B, 10 species belonging to 9 families at Site C, 4 species belonging to 4 families at Site D, and 3 species belonging to 2 families at Site E. Dead-plant feeding habits were newly confirmed by rearing the larvae of Opogona thiadelpha, Hypsopygia kawabei, Endotricha minialis, E. consocia and Bradina angustalis pryeri. The results indicate that further assessments of the characteristics of each dead-leaf feeding moth enables us to apply them as an indicator for the assessment of various forest ecosystems.


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