寺沢 拓敬
関東甲信越英語教育学会誌 (ISSN:21858993)
vol.27, pp.71-83, 2013

This paper examines Japanese workers' needs to use English for occupational purposes, employing a statistical analysis of several datasets from social surveys based on a random sample of the entire workforce in the country. Although many policy makers, business leaders, and English language teachers often emphasize the occupational importance of English proficiency, there has been little research which precisely estimates how many workers are required to use English in their workplaces. Therefore, a secondary analysis was conducted using five datasets with a random sample: Japanese General Social Surveys (2002, 2003, 2006, and 2010 versions) and Working Person Survey (2000). The results show that (1) less than 10% of the respondents use English in workplace, (2) about 40% feel the needs to use English, and (3) the responses vary widely according to their demographic and occupational factors such as type of job, educational background, and firm size. Based on these findings, the paper discusses the validity of foreign language education policies of the Japanese government.


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こんな論文どうですか? 「日本人の9割に英語はいらない」は本当か? : 仕事における英語の必要性の計量分析(寺沢 拓敬),2013 https://t.co/K1NavXUm1B
@NaomingNaomi @syuhei この論文では全体でならすと1割程度だけど、大企業で働くほど、30-40代で地位が上がるほど、英語が必要になるとしています。その意味では、勉強が可能性を広げるということは言えると思います。http://t.co/BmUmbMNLoi
@NaomingNaomi @syuhei 勉強は可能性を広げることだと思います。英語を教えている人間が紹介するのは気が引ける論文ですが、この論文では、「日本人で英語が必要な人は1割程度」としています。http://t.co/BmUmbMNLoi 但し、続きがあります。

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