児玉 昌己
同志社法學 (ISSN:03877612)
vol.63, no.1, pp.181-216, 2011-06

ArticleEUは近年ヒトモノカネの自由移動に成功し、それに伴い、異文化、異民族、外国人の流入で、加盟各国でナショナリズムを刺激し、排外主義的極右勢力が台頭している。本稿では、欧州議会の統合推進派の欧州人民党、欧州社会党など主流派がどのようにこの事態に対処しているのかを、ルペンの暫定議長就任阻止と政党形成要件の厳格化について、欧州議会議院規則の改正を事例に見る。The continuing electoral success of far-right populist parties across the Member States of the EU, much of it stemming from fears associated with the free movement of people which remains one of the four freedoms and esprit of the EU founding Treaties, has also translated into an increasing presence in the European Parliament. The goal of this article is to analyze how the European Parliament has sought to tackle and address this trend within its own institutional arena. In so doing, the paper will address two recent events and the political response of the mainstream political groups.


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こんな論文どうですか? 極右への欧州議会の対応 : 欧州議会議院規則の改正を通して(児玉 昌己),2011 https://t.co/bogguWC4xK

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