山本 周平 細石 真吾
昆蟲. ニューシリーズ (ISSN:13438794)
vol.13, no.3, pp.133-135, 2010-09-25

Alate individuals of a tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, were found by the first author on the ship "Ogasawara-maru", which traveled from Chichi-jima (the Ogasawara Islands) to Tokyo. This harmful species is known to occur in Japan, but records have hitherto been limited to isolated islands such as Iwo-jima (the Ogasawara Islands) and Okinawa-jima (the Ryukyu Islands). Since the liner anchored close to Iwo-jima just before that cruise, when it was possible that individuals of the species flew onboard. The discovery suggests the likelihood that the ant has been unintentionally introduced to Chichi-jima and even to the mainland of Japan.


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こんな論文どうですか? アカカミアリ有翅生殖虫の小笠原諸島父島及び日本本土への侵入未遂例(山本 周平ほか),2010 https://t.co/YwTsLDOsnB
Retweeted YAMAMOTO, Shuhei (@yamashu_64):... https://t.co/l4jrHUtUvo
こんな論文どうですか? アカカミアリ有翅生殖虫の小笠原諸島父島及び日本本土への侵入未遂例(山本 周平ほか),2010 https://t.co/YwTsLDOsnB

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