吉岡 徹 冨田 敬二 内藤 重之 藤田 武弘
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.11, no.2, pp.133-138, 2002-12-31

These days, reforming the old external-dependent development by making a "regional industrial complex" is being proposed as a concept which uses regional resources rationally. In this regard, "regional industrial complex" agriculture takes a very important position, and the role of the agricultural cooperative is large. Many agricultural cooperatives are actually tackling the processing business and positioning of the agricultural cooperatives in local agriculture is also high. In Tanabe City, the case area of this paper, not only production industries, but also processing industries and distribution industries exist in the area which focuse on plums as a key industry. Moreover, plum-related tourist attractions, such as plum forests, are found and form a "regional industrial complex". In this area, the Kinan agricultural cooperative plays important roles in promotion of production, contribution to bearer reservation, distribution, processing and sale of plums. Specially, having the processing section on the inside, the agricultural cooperative sell the plums as a processor. So it has functions of adjusting supply and demand of plums and keeping the level of its price for farms. In the processing business, it contributes to make employment in this area in employing staffs and part-time workers. Thinking about the future, keeping the "regional industrial complex" will be difficult by increasing import plums and so on. So, it is required that agricultural cooperative shows the initiative in making places for adjusting interests and exchanging news and tackling to improve the quality of plums.


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こんな論文どうですか? 「地域産業複合体」における農協加工事業の機能と役割 : 紀南農協ウメ加工事業を事例に(吉岡 徹ほか),2002 https://t.co/GH3FKpYpNj

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