川口 喜治
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.151-163, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to propose an example of trial practice of Active Learning Methods for teaching Chinese classical verse. The teacher uses presentation software to show the problems and materials to the students. The problems and materials are given in descending order of difficulty. This is the feature of this paper's proposition. The students divide into groups of about 6. Each group works in collaboration to resolve the problems that the teacher gives. The members of each group are seated around a comparatively large table and jot down many ideas for the answer on their whiteboard as far as possible. At that time they must draw some pictures for the following presentation. After that some members of each group show their whiteboard and express their own group's answers to the students of other groups. Meanwhile the students of other groups ask them some questions. Each group uses other groups' answers as a reference to make their own answers better. The advantage of this method is that the students have an active role in the class. Furthermore, this method makes it possible for the students to gradually improve their answers through mutual learning and finally be able to get to the correct answer together as a whole class.这篇文章试着提供一个方案使用积极学习方法(Active Learning Methods)讲授中国古典诗歌。教员使用演示软件(presentation software)而给学生们提示课题和资料。学生们分为六个人左右的班,各班一起解决教员提示的课题。各班的学生们围着一张比较大的桌子而把各种各样的注意写在白板商量和解决课题,然后向其他班的学生们提示自己班的白板(那里写着答案,答案中可以画图)而解释。其他班的学生们对于那个班的答案提问题。其他班也参照那个班的答案而改善自己班的想法。这种方法的优点是学生们不但不被动地上课而且主动地参加课堂教学。还有学生们通过互相听其他班的报告,结果全体能够共享有关于课题的好答案,共同思考剩下的问题等等。教员提示的课题难易程度是渐渐降低,这也是本稿提示方案的特点。


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[研究][アクティブラーニング] 漢詩の分野で。これは気になる。。
[研究][アクティブラーニング] 漢詩の分野で。これは気になる。。

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